ELT-43007 Digital Communication, 7 cr
Course home page: http://www.cs.tut.fi/courses/ELT-43007/
Mikko Valkama, Markku Renfors
Toteutuskerta | Periodi | Vastuuhenkilö | Suoritusvaatimukset |
ELT-43007 2018-01 | 3 - 4 |
Markku Renfors Mikko Valkama |
Mandatory requirements: Exam or two midterm exams and Matlab project. It is also possible to pass the course (with grade 1) without taking the exam, by actively attending the learning events and completing the project work. The assessment is primarily based on the exam (or two partial exams) which, together with the quality of the project work, are targeted to measuring the knowledge gained in the core contents. Also active participation in learning sessions has a positive effect on the grading. Grade 3 can be reached by showing good command of the core contents. Fluent/profound understanding of core contents, along with elements of complementary knowledge, are required for grades 4 and 5. With minor gaps in the core knowledge, grades 2 and 1 are possible. With significant gaps in the core knowledge or insufficient project work, the student is not able to pass the course. |
This course focuses on the core digital information transmission and signal processing techniques utilized in all widely-used communications systems and networks, like 2G/3G/4G/5G mobile communication networks, wireless LANs, digital TV broadcasting, and ADSL. These techniques include error control coding, digital modulation, filtering, channel equalization and detection. After completing the course: * A student can explain the information theoretic foundations of digital communications. She/he recognizes and is able to explain the purpose of source coding, channel coding, and channel capacity for the information transmission task. * A student can recognize and explain the main elements of digital communication systems and the common digital modulation methods in waveform domain. She/he can also explain the effects of the transmission channel and the electronic modules of the transmission chain on the performance of the communication system. * A student is able to analyze the transmission link level performance of digital communication systems. She/he recognizes the essential analysis methods and is able to apply them for different communication waveforms. She/he is able to formulate the signal model for a transmission link from a relevant system definition, develop a Matlab model, and simulate its performance. * A student recognizes and is able to explain the main functions of digital communications transmitters and receivers. She/he can explain the principles of detection theory and apply detection theory to the signal processing functions of communications receivers. * A student can explain the significance and principles of error control coding in digital communication systems. She/he recognizes the common error control coding methods and knows how the redundancy introduced by the codes can be utilized in the receiver. A student is able to analyze the coding gain at link level.
Sisältö | Ydinsisältö | Täydentävä tietämys | Erityistietämys |
1. | Information Theoretic Foundation of Electical Communication: - Information, entropy, and mutual information; - Maximal mutual information and channel capacity; - Source coding vs. channel coding. - Capacity of frequency-selective and fading channels | ||
2. | Baseband and Bandpass Digital Communication: - Bits, symbols, and waveforms; - Baseband pulse amplitude modulation (PAM), Nyquist pulse-shaping, line coding; - Linear I/Q modulation, real and complex symbol alphabets; - Digital frequency modulation techniques. | - Basics of partial response (PR) signaling - Scrambling - Carrier and symbol timing recovery (synchronization) | |
3. | Performance of Digital Communication Chains: - Effects of additive noise, symbol & bit errors and their probability, Gray mapping; - Spectral efficiency and related concepts, connections to channel capacity theorem. - Effects of fading on the symbol and bit errors | ||
4. | Detection Theory and Intersymbol Interference (ISI) Mitigation: - Basics of statistical decision making and detection, maximum likelihood (ML) and maximum a posteriori (MAP) principles; - Signal space concepts and connection to practical waveforms, sufficient statistics; - Detection of single symbols, matched filtering (MF); - Detection of symbol sequences; - Optimal receiver front-end, signal space arguments, intersymbol interference (ISI); - Zero-forcing (ZF), mean-squared error (MSE) and other optimization principles; - ML sequence detection and Viterbi algorithm; - Channel equalization, linear vs. nonlinear equalizers, adaptive techniques. | - Various adaptive filtering algorithms and their relative performance; convergence properties and other essential characteristics | |
5. | Error Control Coding in Digital Communication Systems: - Error detection vs. correction vs. prevention, redundancy; - Hard and soft decoding, coding gain; - Block codes and convolutional codes, Viterbi decoding; - Coded modulation and trellis codes; - Interleaving, puncturing. - Basic ideas and application of Turbo codes, LDPC codes and Polar codes. |
Ohjeita opiskelijalle osaamisen tasojen saavuttamiseksi
In addition to attending the lerning sessions and reading the lecture notes/text book, working independently on the Homeworks, classroom exercises and Matlab problems is a good way for profoundly adopting the core contents.
Numerical evaluation scale (0-5)
Tyyppi | Nimi | Tekijä | ISBN | URL | Lisätiedot | Tenttimateriaali |
Book | Digital Communication | (J.R. Barry,) E. A . Lee and D. G. Messerschmitt | 1.-3. Editions, Kluwer Academic Publishers | No | ||
Summary of lectures | Digital Communication | Markku Renfors, Mikko Valkama | Yes |
Opintojakso | P/S | Selite |
ELT-41307 Communication Theory | Mandatory |
Tietoa esitietovaatimuksista
In summary: General understanding of linear systems and filters, spectrum concept, and modulation techniques, basics of probability calculus. If you have obtained such knowledge in your prior studies through other means than taking the course ELT-41307, that is OK.
Opintojakso | Vastaa opintojaksoa | Selite |
ELT-43007 Digital Communication, 7 cr | ELT-43006 Digital Transmission, 7 cr | |
ELT-43007 Digital Communication, 7 cr | ELT-43008 Digital Communication, 5 cr |