ASE-2116 Systems and Control, 5 cr


Terho Jussila


Thinking, concepts, analysis and synthesis needed to control deterministic systems of various complexity, especially for LTI (Linear Time Invariant) systems in DT (Discrete-Time) but also for CT (Continuous-Time). The student should (for grade 3/5): 1. Recognize the basic concepts and elements of systems control needed and relate the methods studied to them. 2. Master identification of ARX models and model conversions (between CT and DT models, between state-space models and transfer function models.) 3. Know the similarities and differences in the CT and DT time domain and frequency domain theory of systems (due to elementary knowledge from a course of CT control) 4. Master Root-Locus Theory exluding angle rules. 5. Perform analysis of stability, controllability (reachability) and observability of a DT LTI state-space model. 6. Design and analyze LTI State-Feedback Controllers and LTI State Observers for LTI DT state-space plants 7. Recognize and handle obvious risks of poor control or computations. Grade (1/5): At least four of the goals listed are reached


Sisältö Ydinsisältö Täydentävä tietämys Erityistietämys
1. The concept system and elements of systems control. Natural DT systems. DT models for computer control of CT plants. Limitations of DT models. Sampling Theorem. Computation of the Intersample response. Equilibrium analysis. Introduction to identification.  Construction of DT controllers, compensators and filters from CT ones using transfer function and state-space procedures. Basics of non-linear dynamics   
2. Response, natural response, forced response, impulse response, step response, stability, controllability, observability, pulse transfer function, poles, zeros of a DT LTI system.  polynomial models, Kalman decomposition, Jordan and Schur forms.    
3. Z transform, Z transfer function from equations and those of the subsystems. Frequency Response. Final Value Theorem. Comparison of CT and DT analysis of stability, relative stability and sensitivity.   Initial Value Theorem   
4. Root Locus. Möbius-Routh stability Test. Sensitivity of poles.  stability tests: Jury, Schur-Cohn   
5. State-Feedback Control and State Observers using pole placement designs and with analysis of relative stability.  Sensitivity of eigenvalues of a state-space model.   
6. Synthesis of DT controllers: Dead-Beat, Dahlin, Smith Predictor, IMC. Optimal PID Control. Implementation of DT controllers, compensators and filters.     
7. SEMINAR: Non-linearities. Non-linear control of non-linear systems. Introduction to Predictive control. Anti-windup.     


Tyyppi Nimi Tekijä ISBN URL Lisätiedot Tenttimateriaali
Book   Advanced Engineering Mathematics   James       Partly   Yes   
Book   CRC Handbook   Levine et. al.       Partly   Yes   
Book   Digital Control Systems   Landau & Zito       Parts of this may replace parts of FPW.   Yes   
Book   Digital Control of Dynamic Systems   Franklin & Powell & Workman         No   
Book   Feedback Systems ...   Karl J. Åström & Richard M. Murray         No   
Lecture slides     TJ       In   Yes   
Summary of lectures   DT   Terho Jussila       DT.pdf   Yes   
Summary of lectures   ÅWÅ   Åström & Wittenmark & Årzen       Partly   Yes   


Opintojakso P/S Selite
ASE-1130 Automaatio Mandatory    
ASE-1258 Introduction to Control Mandatory    

Tietoa esitietovaatimuksista
Even the older courses ASE-1257 and ASE-1256 as well as any 1st control course of university level on analog control form a sufficient background.


Opintojakso Vastaa opintojaksoa  Selite 
ASE-2116 Systems and Control, 5 cr ASE-2110 Systems and Control, 5 cr  
ASE-2116 Systems and Control, 5 cr ASE-2117 Systems and Control, 5-7 cr  

Päivittäjä: Kunnari Jaana, 20.03.2018