BMT-51016 Introduction to Cell and Molecular Biology, 5 cr


Meenakshisundaram Kandhavelu


Toteutuskerta Periodi Vastuuhenkilö Suoritusvaatimukset
BMT-51016 2019-01 1 Meenakshisundaram Kandhavelu
Akshaya Murugesan
To complete the course, the student is required to:

a) Attend and complete the exercises of at least 70% of the lessons (50% of the grade)
b) Execute the project work (50% of the grade). This project consists of an extended report on one of the topics of the lectures above. The student may choose one from these. The report should be from 2 to 4 pages.
c) There is no final exam.


With the participation in this course, the student will know the basics of cellular morphology and functioning. Also, the student will learn the basics of gene expression mechanisms in both prokaryotes and eukaryotes. The student will learn methods for measuring gene expression and cellular structures. Finally, the students will learn how to write reports on cell biology related issues.

Ohjeita opiskelijalle osaamisen tasojen saavuttamiseksi

Grades 1-2: define what are model organisms been used in the biologic experiments and methods and their application in research. Grades 3-4- can describe model organisms, biologic experiments, methods and what is the need of specific methods for solving biological problems. Also describe some of the methods and applications for health and biology, and their benefits and review the paper. Grade 5- list basic cell and molecular biology methods used in these disciplines and use specific method for research. Review the paper to find hypothesis, model organisms, methods used results of one of the peer reviewed article in these fields.


Evaluation scale passed/failed will be used on the course


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Päivittäjä: Kunnari Jaana, 05.03.2019