FYS-5206 Optical Spectroscopy, 5 cr
Suitable for postgraduate studies.
Juha Toivonen
Toteutuskerta | Periodi | Vastuuhenkilö | Suoritusvaatimukset |
FYS-5206 2019-01 | 4 |
Juha Toivonen |
Passed homeworks and examination |
After completing the course, the student is able to describe atomic and molecular absorption and emission spectra at different spectral ranges, and analyze the spectral information. The student is able to name the most common methods used in laser spectroscopy. Further, the student is able to compare different methods used in advanced optical spectroscopy and analyze their performance in sensing applications.
Sisältö | Ydinsisältö | Täydentävä tietämys | Erityistietämys |
1. | Vibrational transitions | Overtone and combination bands, Raman scattering | |
2. | Rotational transitions | Rovibrational transitions, infrared absorption | |
3. | Electronic transitions | Rovibronic transitions and band head | |
4. | Spectral line broadening | Line profile functions and their properties | |
5. | Methods in optical spectroscopy | Laser spectroscopy and spectrometers |
Ohjeita opiskelijalle osaamisen tasojen saavuttamiseksi
The grade is determined based on weekly homework (40 %), project work (20 %), and the final exam (40%). Good activity on lectures, homework and the project work will give a good background for the exam and helps to get a good grade.
Numerical evaluation scale (0-5)
Tyyppi | Nimi | Tekijä | ISBN | URL | Lisätiedot | Tenttimateriaali |
Book | Modern Spectroscopy | J. Hollas | 0470844167 | Yes |
Opintojakso | P/S | Selite |
FYS-1400 Optiikka | Advisable |
Tietoa esitietovaatimuksista
Basic optics.
Opintojakso ei vastaan mitään toista opintojaksoa