TUT-2006 User Account for Master's Thesis, 0 cr
Apply to the course through Open University online application system https://tau-avoin.ilmoittaudu.fi//lobby/?lang=en. Course is intended only for students, whose deadline for completing the degree has ended. This course gives you only acces to University's IT-services.
Sini Ullgren, Minna Vehmaa
Toteutuskerta | Periodi | Vastuuhenkilö | Suoritusvaatimukset |
TUT-2006 2019-01 | 1 |
Sini Ullgren Minna Vehmaa |
TUT-2006 2019-02 | 2 |
Sini Ullgren Minna Vehmaa |
TUT-2006 2019-03 | 3 |
Sini Ullgren Minna Vehmaa |
TUT-2006 2019-04 | 4 |
Sini Ullgren Minna Vehmaa |
TUT-2006 2019-05 | 5 |
Sini Ullgren Minna Vehmaa |
Suitable only for Hervanta Campus degree students if their study right has expired.
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