TIE-11206 Special Topics on Pervasive Computing, 1-5 cr

Toteutuskerta TIE-11206 2019-03


Design Thinking for Wearables, Games and Extended Reality, 3 credits

The course introduces design methods for developing wearables for extended reality games by including students in interdisciplinary working groups that also include PhD students from different expertise fields. At the end of this course, students will understand using design methods (brainstorming, bodystorming, rough prototyping, video sketching) in the ideation stage of products and will gain hands-on experience in working on a design project with an interdisciplinary team. Moreover, they will also learn the basic design features of wearables and body-related games and will actively ideate on their relation to game mechanics.

Students need to fill this application form and teachers will add them to course based on their previous experience on the topics (application and registration deadline Jan 9, 2020):


Periodi 3
Vastuuhenkilö Oguz Buruk, Juho Hamari


Evaluation scale passed/failed will be used on the course


Participation in three workshops (2 credits), preparation of a design diary (1 credit). Every student is required to participate 3 full-day (10:00-17:00) workshops. First one is selected from 3 possible days that have different themes (see list below of themes and dates). Second and the third one (Jan 23,24) is common to all students of the course. Students will be allocated to workshops by teachers according to their gaming habits, interests, backgrounds.

13 January 2020: Bioadaptive Game Design for Extended Reality with Wearables
15 January 2020: Social Interaction in Extended Reality Games through Wearables
17 January 2020: Costumes as Extended Reality Game Controllers
23 January 2020: Synthesis Workshop (All students will participate in the Synthesis Workshop)
24 January 2020: Fusion Workshop (All students will participate in the Fusion Workshop

Lisätietoja toteutuksesta

Capacity: 10-20 Undergraduate Students, 5-10 Graduate Students

Selection Criteria:

For Undergraduate Students: We expect undergraduate students to have previous gaming experience. Experience here encapsulates a wide-range from casual mobile games to competitive online games. Therefore, we welcome students with any kind of game experience. Other kinds of game-related experiences are also welcome. Students will fill an application form that reflects their interest in games to partake in the course.

For Graduate Students: Graduate students will take part in the course as experts in specific fields. These students will be chosen according to the requirements of each workshop. Graduate students will fill an application form as well to present their expertise in the required areas.

Learning Outcomes:
After completing the course, the students have an overview of e.g. the following topics:
- Participatory Design Workshops
- Design Methods for Ideation
- Design Thinking
- Theoretical background, e.g. features of wearables, body sensors, bodily games, extended reality games
- Design aspects related to wearables
- Interaction modalities of game wearables
- Social Interaction with wearables
- Bioadaptive Game Mechanics for Extended Reality
- Utilization of Body Signals for Extended Reality Game Design
- Movement in Extended Reality Games

Relation to GArMEnt and WEARTUAL Projects:
The ideas generated in this course are expected to be the initial design knowledge that will be used in the further steps of the GArMEnt project such as concept generation and prototyping. In this sense, this course constitutes an important first step for the project.

Intellectual Property Rights:
All ideas generated during this course will belong to Tampere University.