TIE-40406 Gamification: Theory, Practice and Design, 5 cr


Lectures will be in City Centre Campus in Linna K104.
Seminars will be in City Centre Campus in Pinni B4113, expect on Wednesday 15.4 in B0016.
Suitable for postgraduate studies.


Juho Hamari, Jonna Koivisto


Toteutuskerta Periodi Vastuuhenkilö Suoritusvaatimukset
TIE-40406 2019-01 4 Juho Hamari
Joseph Macey
Maria Törhönen
Course lectures, weekly group assignments, weekly seminar sessions, group project work including a report and a presentation


The course is implemented as a seminar where students select an area of gamification (e.g. virtual and game economies, eSports and other forms of games as work, gamification of media, AR and VR technologies, gamification of health, gamification of education etc.) and deepen their knowledge on the theory, practice and design on this specific area. The course enables the student to gain expertise on how the area of gamification of their choosing can be defined, theorized and designed as well as how it manifests in technology, culture and organizations.


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Päivittäjä: Viitala Anna-Mari, 04.02.2020