TTA-15077 Managing Operative Sales, 5 cr


Jouni Lyly-Yrjänäinen


Toteutuskerta Periodi Vastuuhenkilö Suoritusvaatimukset
TTA-15077 2019-01 2 Jouni Lyly-Yrjänäinen
The course has two options. (1) Week exams 5/7, learning diaries 3/5 and active participation in the sales negotiation exercise. (2) Final exam, learning diaries (3/5) and active participation in the sales negotiation exercise.


The objective of the course is to understand the nature of operative sales in B2B markets and the key concepts used for business development in global B2B networks. After the course students understand the key characteristics of B2B markets and operative sales processes. Furthermore, students are familiar with the basic concepts and tools used in the planning, management and improvement of the operative sales processes in B2B context. Guest lecturers will be used to illustrate what development of B2B sales practices and processes mean in practice. In addition, the student papers used as course material will provide an opportunity for 'peer learning' since those papers have been written by first year master's students majoring in International Sales and Sourcing; the papers will illustrate how some 'peers with similar background' have applied business concepts and tools in their practical business development projects. To support business development in business networks, the course also includes elements of financial and management accounting, focusing on concepts relevant to sales professionals with the special emphasis on value creation and value capture. Thus, after the course students are able to apply contribution and full costing in simple pricing situations. The students also understand basic principles how business potential of a new offering or a new market can be quantified and are able to use that knowledge in the budgeting process. Finally, the students are able to apply financial key ratios to analyze income statement and balance sheet in order to evaluate and prioritize existing and potential customers. Selling technology-intensive products and services requires close collaboration with customers in order to help customers solve complex problems, making sales professionals almost consultants. To support that, the course also contains exercise on face-to-face sales negotiation to enable students to evaluate their current communication skills and potential areas of improvement. Thus, after the course students understand principles of good business interaction, are able to prepare and give a short 'pitch' focusing on essential elements from the customer's point of view and are aware of areas in business communication that still need improvement.


Sisältö Ydinsisältö Täydentävä tietämys Erityistietämys
1. CHARACTERISTICS OF B2B MARKETS -customer value -market structure -product characteristics -purchasing behaviour -sales and distribution   -derived demand as a tool to estimate business impact of a technology discontinuity   -Basic idea of Inbound sales and how to use inbound sales philosophy effectively 
2. SALES PROCESS IN B2B MARKETS -Identifying prospects -Pre-approach -Approaching the customers -Presentation and Demonstration -Closing the sale   -Modern ways of building sales material and sales communications tools   -Building sales material for efficient communication of customer perceived value in practice 
3. FROM TRANSACTION TO A CUSTOMER RELATIONSHIP -Operative sales process and related documentation -Evolution of a customer-supplier relationship -Managing customer relationships with annual contracts -customer lifetime value and key account management -CRM data adding value to both supplier and customer  -Buying center   -Taking into account the different customer roles impacting the sales process when building sales material 
4. PRICING IN B2B ENVIRONMENT -A salesperson adding value for the customer -Understanding pricing in different industries -Pricing process in B2B context -Payment terms and discounts -Project sales - engineering needed for pricing -Pricing as a tool for value capture   -Revenue models as tools for value capture  -Building sales material to change the revenue model for improved value capture 
5. SELLING THROUGH DISTRIBUTORS -Dealer categorisation for systematic management -Different types of intermediaries -How intermediaries create value? -Pricing when using distributors -working with distributors  -Motivating distribution partners  -Building a value proposition for both the end user and potential distribution partner 
6. BECOMING INTERNATIONAL -Different ways of exporting -internationalization process -Global key account management -Practicalities in international trade -protecting receivables in international trade  -Setting targets for distribution partners  -Internationalization process as a plan or a path 
7. SALES MANAGEMENT -Evolution of the sales organisation -Responsibilities of sales managers -Sales budget -Managing the sales organisation with budgets and reports -Skills of a successful salesperson   -Evaluation of sales potential in practice  -Sales - helping customers make money 

Ohjeita opiskelijalle osaamisen tasojen saavuttamiseksi

Active classroom participation and preparation for the week exams. Participation in the sales negotiation exercise.


Numerical evaluation scale (0-5)


Completion parts must belong to the same implementation


Tyyppi Nimi Tekijä ISBN URL Lisätiedot Tenttimateriaali
Book   Sales in Technology-Driven Industries   Lyly-Yrjänäinen, Mahlamäki, Rintamäki, Saarijärvi, Tiitola         No   


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Päivittäjä: Kunnari Jaana, 05.03.2019