PLA-79100 Johtamisen ja tietotekniikan erityiskysymyksiä, 2-8 op
Directed Study in Management and Information Technology

Toteutuskerta PLA-79100 2019-03


Foundations of Game-Based Learning


Periodi 2 - 3
Vastuuhenkilö Antero Lindstedt


Arvosteluasteikko on numeerinen (0-5)


Avoimen opiskelijat , Porin opiskelijat

Lisätietoja toteutuksesta

The course is a compact version of a course "Foundations of game-based learning" available at Tampere. The course includes online lectures, articles, and tasks. In the end, students desing and document their own learning game concept. The course introduces current scientific discussions about digital game-based learning. The course considers fundamental elements of game design, dimensions of engagement, and multiple views of learning that are relevant to understand the theoretical foundation of game-based learning. The course is evaluated on a scale accepted/rejected.

The course is held fully online. The materials and tasks to complete can be found here: