FYS-6116 Optoelectronics Devices and Technology, 5 cr

Toteutuskerta FYS-6116 2019-01


The course aims at introducing the basic concepts and design guidelines governing the operation of main classes of optoelectronic devices. The physics part is complemented by introducing the major fabrication technologies. For each type of device the key features are introduced with a perspective on application requirements and state-of-the-art developments. Finally, the course covers emerging technologies for photonic integration, and novel device concepts (i.e. non-classical light sources for quantum technology).

Periodi Ei toteuteta lukuvuonna 2019-2020.
Vastuuhenkilö Mircea Guina, Teemu Hakkarainen, Hermann Kahle


Numerical evaluation scale (0-5)


Passing exam, solving 50% of exercises, and performe acceptably the work as part of mandatory laboratory experiments.


International Students , Jatkotutkinto-opiskelijat , Materials Engineering/Material Science , Science and Engineering, MSc (Tech)


Tyyppi Nimi Tekijä ISBN Lisätiedot Kieli Tenttimateriaali
Book Solid state electronic devices B.G. Streetman & S. Banerjee 978-0-13-149726-9 English Yes