FYS-6607 Optical Thin Films and Waveguides, 5 cr
Kurssi luennoidaan englanniksi ja materiaali on englanninkielistä.
Lectured in english and the material is in english.
The course is suitable for postgraduate studies.
Suitable for postgraduate studies.
Tapio Niemi
Toteutuskerta | Periodi | Vastuuhenkilö | Suoritusvaatimukset |
FYS-6607 2019-01 | 4 |
Tapio Niemi |
Exercises (50 %) and exam (50%) |
After passing the cours, the student knows the basic optical properties of thin films and waveguides as well as their mathemetical analysis. The course starts by a brief review of electromagnetic waves and their behaviour at interfaces. Next optical properties of single- and multilayer films are analyzed by the transfer-matrix method. Emphasis is on understanding optical structures which can be realized using thin films. These include anti-reflections coatings, dielectric mirrors, beam splitters, optical filters and polarizers. Thin films are then analyzed as waveguides. Most important characteristics of waveguide modes of metal/dielectric waveguides and optical fibers and their numerical evaluation is introduced. Also surface plasmon polaritons, distrubuted Bragg gratings and directional couplers are analyzed to understand their possibilities in photonic integration. Matlab is extensivelly used to solve the exercises, visualize the optical fields and optimizing the structures.
Sisältö | Ydinsisältö | Täydentävä tietämys | Erityistietämys |
1. | Electromagnetic waves at interfaces, transfer-matrix formalism | Matlab programing and problem solving. | Visualization of fields in complex components and multilayers. |
2. | Optical thin films and components enabled by multilayer films | Numerical analysis of multilayer thin films. | Optimization of thin-film structures for specific application. |
3. | Properties of guided waves. Metal waveguide, dielectric slab waveguide, optical fiber and surface plasmon polariton. | Numerical analysis of dielectric waveguides and optical fibers. | Various applications of the wide selection of waveguide structures and materials. |
4. | Coupled-mode theory, distributed feedback, fiber Bragg gratings, directional coupler | Numerical analysis of components based on coupled mode theory. | Understanding optics of periodic structures and formation of photonic bandgaps. |
5. | Photonic integration. Components and systems enabled by waveguides and integrated structures. | Materials for photonic integration. | Knowledge of fabrication technology and fabless fabrication concepts. |
Ohjeita opiskelijalle osaamisen tasojen saavuttamiseksi
Compulsory exercises and examination
Numerical evaluation scale (0-5)
Opintojakso | Vastaa opintojaksoa | Selite |
FYS-6607 Optical Thin Films and Waveguides, 5 cr | FYS-6606 Photonics, 5 cr |