KIE-08007 Intercultural Communication Skills, 3-5 cr


-Students will be accepted to the course according to the time of sign-up and priority will be given to TAU students, for whom the course is compulsory.

-Please enroll in the waiting list if the course is full because it is still highly probable you will get a place in the course.

-In this course, students decide if they want to work for 3, 4 or 5 credits. This can be decided when they start the course.


Carlos Mendoza Santana


Toteutuskerta Periodi Vastuuhenkilö Suoritusvaatimukset
KIE-08007 2019-01 1 - 2 Carlos Mendoza Santana
Students need to complete a minimum attendance of 80% of the learning events. In the beggining of the course, students can choose to obtain and work for 3, 4 or 5 credits. The grade will be based on participation, individual and teamwork done face to face and online.The course consists of short assignments done in the classroom and in the Moodle site of the course. In addition, students need to work on a final work and short presentation in a small team.

KIE-08007 2019-02 1 - 2 Carlos Mendoza Santana
Students need to complete a minimum attendance of 80% of the learning events. In the beggining of the course, students can choose to obtain and work for 3, 4 or 5 credits. The grade will be based on participation, individual and teamwork done face to face and online.The course consists of short assignments done in the classroom and in the Moodle site of the course. In addition, students need to work on a final work and short presentation in a small team.
KIE-08007 2019-03 2 - 4 Carlos Mendoza Santana
Students need to attend the two learning events scheduled in period II and participate in Skype meetings with other exchange students around the globe. Students need to complete the individual and group tasks in Moodle and participate in forums to discuss tasks and experiences abroad. Finally, students will present an evaluation of the activities done during the course and during their exchange studies.
KIE-08007 2019-04 3 - 4 Carlos Mendoza Santana
Students need to complete a minimum attendance of 80% of the learning events. Each student can choose to obtain and work for 3, 4 or 5 credits in this course. The grade will be based on the participation, individual and teamwork done face to face and online.The course consists of short assignments done in the classroom and in the Moodle site of the course. In addition, students need to colloborate on a final project and a short presentation in a small team.
KIE-08007 2019-05 3 - 4 Carlos Mendoza Santana
Students need to complete a minimum attendance of 80% of the learning events. Each student can choose to obtain and work for 3, 4 or 5 credits in this course. The grade will be based on the participation, individual and teamwork done face to face and online.The course consists of short assignments done in the classroom and in the Moodle site of the course. In addition, students need to colloborate on a final project and a short presentation in a small team.


This course develops students intercultural communication skills through short lectures, practical exercises and multicultural teamwork in face-to-face and online environments. The multicultural groups consist of both local and international students, which allows the students to learn and practice intercultural communication with each other in each class and teamwork. At the end of the course students will be able to: identify different cultural communication patterns, concepts of time, politeness and work values in social, academic and professional environments . describe adaptation processes to cultural foreign environments and to multicultural settings. identify the influence and importance of nonverbal communication and the relation of language and thought in cross-cultural collaboration. apply strategies to enhance collaboration in multicultural teams independently explore, analyze, and give suggestion to overcome critical incidents in social, professional and academic settings.


Sisältö Ydinsisältö Täydentävä tietämys Erityistietämys
1. -Cultural assumptions and attitudes towards communication, space, time and politeness -Cultural dimensions      
2. -Language patterns and multilingualism in the academic and workplace -Nonverbal communication -Relation between language and thought      
3. -Environmental influences in intercultural encounters -Intercultural communication and its interdisciplinary base      
4. -Model of development of intercultural sensitivity -Culture shock, learning shock and reverse culture shock -Critical incident analysis of intercultural misunderstandings and clashes      

Ohjeita opiskelijalle osaamisen tasojen saavuttamiseksi

To achieve the learning outcomes, students will: complete a minimum of 80% attendance in the face-to-face lessons scheduled in the course. watch videos/read material and then take part in group discussions online and face-to-face. give and receive feedback from other students and the instructor. work actively in a multicultural team with local and international students. elaborate a final group project related to intercultural communication. Grading scale is numeric 0-5


Numerical evaluation scale (0-5)


Completion parts must belong to the same implementation


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KIE-08007 Intercultural Communication Skills, 3-5 cr KIE-08006 Intercultural Communication Skills, 3 cr  

Päivittäjä: Mendoza Santana Carlos, 29.03.2019