TTA-18016 Changing Subject Postgraduate Course on Industrial Management , 2-8 cr

Toteutuskerta TTA-18016 2019-03


Doctoral Course on Academic Writing: Successful publishing in academic journals.


Periodi 1
Opetusmuodot Monimuoto-opetus
Vastuuhenkilö Miia Martinsuo


Evaluation scale passed/failed will be used on the course


1. Submitting a paper to be developed during the course
2. Participating in the two-day workshop
3. Completing a written peer review feedback on another student¿s paper
4. Completing a written self-assessment of one¿s own paper
5. Completing a ¿change log¿ indicating the intended modifications to one¿s own paper, based on the received feedback and learnings during the workshop



Lisätietoja toteutuksesta

The persons need to be enrolled as present in doctoral studies in the Business and Technology doctoral program and have completed the doctoral seminar in industrial and information and management (or orientation to doctoral studies or equivalent). Doctoral students of information management and indus-trial engineering and management also from other universities are welcome to participate. Post-doctoral researchers may participate, if there is space - doctoral candidates are prioritized if there is a broad in-terest. The maximum number of participants is 14.
Enroll by email to with the following information:
1) your name, student number, and e-mail address
2) university, major subject and supervisor in doctoral studies,
3) title of the paper to be developed in the course, its intended publication channel, and short es-timate of its status and current challenges.

TTA-18016 Changing Subject Postgraduate Course on Industrial Management /O/01 Mon 30.09.2019 09:00 - 17:00
TTA-18016 Changing Subject Postgraduate Course on Industrial Management /O/02 Tue 01.10.2019 09:00 - 17:00