Complementary Studies in Electrical Engineering, 30 cr

Type of the study module

Complementary Studies


Pekka Verho, Jari Nurmi

Learning Outcomes

- Deepen students knowledge in the field of their major subject.
- Learning outcomes:

Strengthen students mathematical competence in the area of their major subject.
- This study package is for students with a Finnish University of Applied Sciences (AMK) degree.

Students admitted to a Master's degree programme may be required to complement their earlier degree. All students with a Finnish University of Applied Sciences (AMK) degree are required to complete a study package, which generally includes courses in Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry depending on the student's background.

Complementary studies are included in MSc degree in the elective studies study module.


Compulsory courses

Course Credit points Class
MAT-01566 Mathematics 5 5 cr IV  
MAT-02457 Fourier Methods 5 cr V  
SGN-11007 Introduction to Signal Processing 5 cr IV  
Total 15 cr  

Optional Compulsory Courses

Must be selected at least 15 credits of courses

Course Credit points Alternativity Class
ELT-40007 Basic Course on Communications Engineering 5 cr 1   IV  
ELT-41736 Analysis of Electromagnetic Systems 5 cr 1   IV  
MAT-01166 Mathematics 1 5 cr 2   IV  
MAT-01266 Mathematics 2 5 cr 2   IV  
MAT-01366 Mathematics 3 5 cr 2   IV  
MAT-04007 Engineering Mathematics 123 10 cr 2   IV  

1. Select 1 courses. ELT-40007 must be studied if the major study module is Wireless Communications and RF Systems; ELT-41736 must be studied if the major study module is Smart Grids.
2. Select 10 credits. Student must study either MAT-04007 (10 cr) or MAT-01166, MAT-01266 and MAT-01366 (15 cr).

Updated by: Viitala Anna-Mari, 16.09.2019