ARK-00048 Architecture, Varying Topic, 1-10 cr


Opintojakso voi soveltua jatko-opinnoksi
Suitable for postgraduate studies.


Panu Lehtovuori, Fernando Nieto Fernandez, Olli-Paavo Koponen, Juho Rajaniemi, Ari Hynynen, Sofie Pelsmakers, Ilmari Lahdelma, Markku Karjalainen


Toteutuskerta Periodi Vastuuhenkilö Suoritusvaatimukset
ARK-00048 2019-01 1 - 2 Jaana Vanhatalo
Marleena Yli-Äyhö
Student must study MapInfo -program with the help of video tutorials and complete the exercises found in Moodle individually. 2-4 credits.
ARK-00048 2019-02 3 - 4 Anna Koskinen
Panu Lehtovuori
Annuska Rantanen
Jaana Vanhatalo
ARK-00048 2019-03 3 Jenni Poutanen
ARK-00048 2019-04 5 Anna Koskinen
Panu Lehtovuori
ARK-00048 2019-05 5 Panu Lehtovuori
ARK-00048 2019-06 5 Fernando Nieto Fernandez
ARK-00048 2019-07 5 Tapio Kaasalainen
Sofie Pelsmakers
The course can be completed either alone or as a group. Students who successfully complete the course alone will be awarded 5 credits, while students in groups will be awarded 3 credits each. The maximum group size is 4 in correspondence to the competition rules. The competition group can include members outside the Tampere University School of Architecture, but only TAU SoA students will be awarded credits for the course. For group projects, each member is expected to contribute equally, and unless otherwise communicated before submission this is assumed to be the case.

Successfully completing the course requires submitting an acceptable project that is in accordance with the competition brief. The quality of the course submissions is expected to reflect the total number of credits awarded for the project. Projects found lacking may be asked to be supplemented before passing. The project must be submitted for the course, through the course Moodle area, no later than on July 31st 2020 (31.7.2020). Proof of competition registration or competition submission is not required.
ARK-00048 2019-08 5 Tapio Kaasalainen
Sofie Pelsmakers
The course can be completed either alone or as a group. Students who successfully complete the course alone will be awarded 5 credits, while students in groups will be awarded 3 credits each. The maximum group size is 5 in correspondence to the competition rules. The competition group can include members outside the Tampere University School of Architecture, but only TAU SoA students will be awarded credits for the course. For group projects, each member is expected to contribute equally, and unless otherwise communicated before submission this is assumed to be the case.

Successfully completing the course requires submitting an acceptable project that is in accordance with the competition brief. The quality of the course submissions is expected to reflect the total number of credits awarded for the project. Projects found lacking may be asked to be supplemented before passing. The project must be submitted for the course, through the course Moodle area, no later than on July 31st 2020 (31.7.2020). Proof of competition registration or competition submission is not required.


Opintojakson osaamistavoitteet määritellään erikseen toteutuskerroille. Learning outcomes are defined separately for each implementation.


Opintojakso ei vastaan mitään toista opintojaksoa

Päivittäjä: Kohlhoff Stefanie, 11.05.2020