ARK-00142 Arkkitehtuurimedia, 1-10 op
Architectural Media

Toteutuskerta ARK-00142 2019-14


3ds Max Basics
2 cr

This module is about learning the basic use of Autodesk 3ds Max interface and modeling tools. On this module, we cover using 3ds Max interface, working and moving inside the modeling environment, creating and importing objects, moving, selecting and manipulating objects, working with the snap tools, working with imported geometries from cad-programs, working with cameras, creating basic renderings and applying texturing. We also cover basic polygon modeling, spline modeling and combining these two techniques. We import a furniture object from furniture vendor Vitra and create a library object from it.

The language of this module/course implementation is English.

The module/course implementation is an online course (guidance is given as contact teaching) and it can be performed during the time wanted by the student. The teaching materials are in Moodle and the return of the finished work is done there.

The guidance is given in the classroom RH216, in the Friday afternoon. The changes will be informed in Moodle.

The return of the exercise work of a module/course implementation for the evaluation can be done once in a period. Deadline dates of the return:
1st March 2020 (The 3rd period)
10th May 2020 (The 4th period)
The absolute last deadline (the 4th period) is 27th May 2020; The ROCK information system closes and the teachers have 21 days to evaluate the exercise works and to record the study credits.
23rd August 2020 is the deadline of the summer period; the teaching begins 24th August 2020 (1st period) and the study credits will be recorded in the new Sisu information system.


Periodi 1 - 5
Vastuuhenkilö Martti Lamppu, Mika Mathlin


Opintojaksolla käytetään suoritusmerkintäistä arviointiasteikkoa (hyväksytty-hylätty)


Arkkitehtuurin visualisointi I -moduulit suoritettuaan tietokoneavusteisessa suunnittelussa harjaantunut opiskelija hallitsee arkkitehtitoimistoissa käytetyn 3D-visualisoinnin perustekniikat. Moduulit antavat yleiskuvan 3D-visualisoinnista ja -mallintamisesta sekä tarvittavien sovellusten peruskäytöstä.
Suunnitelmien havainnollistamiseen ja visualisointiin tarvittavat 3D-mallinnustekniikat
Esittelykuvien tuottamiseen tarvittava kuvankäsittely ja sivuntaitto
Tiedonsiirto CAD-, 3D-mallinnus- ja kuvankäsittelyohjelmien välillä
Visualisointi osana normaalia suunnitteluprosessia
Täydentävä tietämys:
Visualisointi kommunikointivälineenä suunnitteluprosessissa
3D-tietokonegrafiikan teoria
2D-tietokonegrafiikan teoria
Värienhallinta tietokonegrafiikassa


Architecture , Arkkitehtuuri

Lisätietoja toteutuksesta

When a course is over-subscribed, i.e. there are more sign-ups than places on the course, we enroll
the required number of students according to the following criteria and order:
1) students that are enrolled in the Bachelor/Master/Doctor of Science in Architecture degree
2) exchange students that are enrolled in the exchange program in Architecture and if needed
the priority is given to students that signed up first
3) students that are enrolled in the degree programs other than Architecture and if needed priority
is given to students for whom the course is compulsory and then if needed the priority is given to
students that signed up first
4) other students and if needed the priority is given to students that signed up first
Students on the sign-up / waiting list have to be present on the first day of the course to be sure of
retaining their place.