BMT-53808 Methods in Single Cell Biology, 5 cr


Additional information about the course is provided at:
Suitable for postgraduate studies.


Andre Sanches Ribeiro


Toteutuskerta Periodi Vastuuhenkilö Suoritusvaatimukset
BMT-53808 2019-01 2 Andre Sanches Ribeiro
To pass the course, the student is required to:
a) Pass in all grading requisites.
b) Attend at least 80% of the lessons.
c) In each lecture, deliver a 1-2 pages report on the previous lecture.
d) Pass the final assignment (project and its 30 min presentation in the last lecture).


The student will be introduced to a variety of experimental techniques and analysis tools in quantitative, single cell biology studies. The aim is to provide understanding on techniques of single cell observation and on how to interpret the results. The focus of this course will be the manipulation and measurements of gene expression in prokaryotic systems using live cell multi-modal microscopy systems and flow cytometry. The model organism will be Escherichia coli. Finally, students will gain understanding of the objectives, applicability and limitations of the methods used in quantitative single cell biology studies. Several of the lectures will be in a laboratory, so that the students become knowledgeable in handling the devices, such as microscopes and flow cytometers. The classes will be held at: D502, Arvo Building


Sisältö Ydinsisältö Täydentävä tietämys Erityistietämys
1. The concept of cell to cell diversity     
2. Techniques for single-cell measurements of RNA and proteins     
3. Model organisms and constructs (plasmids and vectors), Gene transfer techniques     
4. Basics of Microscopy     
5. Basics of Flow Cytometry     
6. Basics of single-cell image analysis     
7. Project presentations     

Tietoa esitietovaatimuksista
Basic knowledge of molecular biology and/or systems biology.


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BMT-53808 Methods in Single Cell Biology, 5 cr BMT-53807 Methods in Single Cell Biology, 3 cr  

Päivittäjä: Sanches Ribeiro Andre, 30.09.2019