BMT-57106 Health Care Processes and Information Systems, 5 cr


Hannu Nieminen, Milla Jauhiainen, Alpo Värri


Toteutuskerta Periodi Vastuuhenkilö Suoritusvaatimukset
BMT-57106 2019-01 1 - 2 Milla Jauhiainen
Hannu Nieminen
Alpo Värri
Passing a final exam and completing a group project assignment acceptably. Group work themes are defined by industry. Final exam is based on the lectures and additional material. Participation is obligatory for 5/7 contact days, including the first and last contact day which are obligatory for all students. The group work includes a mid-term report and a final report. Group project is evaluated with the scale 0-5. Final grade from the course is combination of: exam grade, group work grade, evanluation of the final presentation of the group work, and feedback from the company giving the project assignment.


The purpose of the course is to give students a general understanding of applying ICT technologies in the area of health care, with focus on the special needs placed for information management in this area. Course aims to provide students first a basic understanding of health care processes and health care systems: how they are managed, organized and funded in Finland and in other countries. After this the course presents the specifics of health information, how it is utilized in health information systems, what are the key standards and how they are utilized in building health information systems. Course is intended especially for students who are planning to work in the health care domain, either in research and development or in managerial roles. Key learning outcomes of the course: 1. Student understands and can describe the basic processes and governance principles applied in the health and social care domain and understands how this knowledge can be applied for defining and building health ICT solutions. 2. Student understands the key principles of health information and key standards related to storing and transferring health information, and how they are utilized in health ICT systems 3. Student knows the definitions, terminology, concepts and architectures of key health information systems, with focus especially on the electronic patient record and personal health record 4. Student knows the principles of health ICT project management, development processes and key measures utilized in the assessment of the quality and effectiveness of health ICT. Student is aware of the typical pitfalls that can be encountered in health ICT projects and understands the specific role of user-centered development in the health ICT domain. 5. Student has a general understanding of the future trends affecting health ICT development, such as personalized medicine 6. Key learning outcomes of the course are applied in practice in a multidisciplinary project work done based on themes proposed by industry. Project work is evaluated and forms ~50% of the course grade.


Sisältö Ydinsisältö Täydentävä tietämys Erityistietämys
1. The health care process, measures utilized in it and basic governance models  Detailed analysis of the Finnish health care funding model. Operations management principles: planning of demand and supply. Process improvement example cases from hospitals.   Comparison of health care governance and funding models in diffrent countries. US health care governance. Diagnostic process. Description of Paul Lillrank's demand-supply operating mode (DSO) 
2. Key principles of health information and standards     
3. Introduction to terminology, concepts and and architectures of health ICT systems, with special focus on electronic patient record. KANTA is used as an example   
4. User-centered health ICT development process description  Key pitfalls in health ICT development. Case studies of health ICT development.   Management framework tools.  
5. Project work  Multidisciplinary team work: practical experience. Communication tools for project work. Collaboration with the industry partners.   

Ohjeita opiskelijalle osaamisen tasojen saavuttamiseksi

The student should participate or view the lectures and study the additional material individually. The student must actively participate in the group project work and exercises. Group work project reports ahould follow the template given. The template links the project work contetns to the key areas studied int he course.


Numerical evaluation scale (0-5)


Completion parts must belong to the same implementation


Tyyppi Nimi Tekijä ISBN URL Lisätiedot Tenttimateriaali
Lecture slides   Lectures slides   Hannu Nieminen, Alpo Värri         Yes   
Other online content   Additional material in Moodle   Hannu Nieminen, Alpo Värri, externals         Yes   

Tietoa esitietovaatimuksista
The student should have the basic knowledge of what is an information system and its architecture. The student should have the basic understanding of usability or user experience of ICT systems. Programming skills are not absolutely necessary but very useful.


Opintojakso Vastaa opintojaksoa  Selite 
BMT-57106 Health Care Processes and Information Systems, 5 cr SGN-57106 Health Care Processes and Information Systems, 5 cr  

Päivittäjä: Juutinen Milla, 12.08.2019