KIE-06000 TUT-Tandem, 2-3 op

Toteutuskerta KIE-06000 2019-02


The idea of the Tandem language learning is that two people with different mother tongues, (e.g. a Finn and a German) improve their language skills in the target language by interacting with each other.


Periodi 1 - 4
Opetusmuodot Monimuoto-opetus
Vastuuhenkilö Adrian Benfield, Pirjo Litmanen, Claudia Rehwagen


Opintojaksolla käytetään suoritusmerkintäistä arviointiasteikkoa (hyväksytty-hylätty)


1. Initial plan of the planned meetings + meeting with the appropriate Tandem contact teacher. The plan is submitted via Moodle.
2. TUT-Tandem meetings
3. Final report (learning diary or meetings blog on Moodle discussion forum + short reflection). The final report is submitted via Moodle.
4. Short meeting with the appropriate Tandem contact teacher

Lisätietoja toteutuksesta

During the academic year 2019 - 2020 it is possible to gain Tandem credits in English, Finnish, German, Russian and Swedish. Please visit first the TUT-Tandem Moodle pages (find the link below) in order to find out all the details and requirements of the course.

KIE-06000 TUT-Tandem/O/01 Thu 12.12.2019 16:00 - 18:00
KIE-06000 TUT-Tandem/O/01 Thu 23.01.2020 16:00 - 18:00