KIE-32007 Professional Interactions in English, 2-3 cr

Toteutuskerta KIE-32007 2019-02


This course is completely online and will run from 17.05.2020 to 30.06.2020.

PLEASE NOTE! The selection of students is made on the basis of credits recorded at the time when sign-up closes. For this reason, you may have a place in the group even if the system shows that you are on the waiting list and vice-versa.
The group is formed during the first week, and to ensure your place in the group you are expected to be present and active in the online environment from the outset.


Periodi 5
Vastuuhenkilö Galyna Dubova


Evaluation scale passed/failed will be used on the course


The selection of students is made on the basis of credits recorded at the time when sign-up closes.
Students should also be members of the target group: Bachelor's level, domestic students, based at Hervanta campus


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