KIE-34107 Academic Writing in English, 2-3 cr


This course is intended for undergraduate students working towards their BSc degree at TUT, who have already completed either Spoken Communication in English or Professional Interactions in English.

MSc students should take the course Thesis Writing unless Academic Writing is stipulated in their degree requirements.

Each course implementation caters for specific degree programmes, please make sure that you sign up for the correct one via the links below.

When a course is over-subscribed, i.e. there are more sign-ups than places on the course, then we enrol the required number of students according to the target group and then (and only then), sign-up time.


The course is offered in an online format.


Assessment will take into account the following:

- Active participation and interaction with peers (in and outside of the classroom);
- Successful completion of all assignments by the deadlines, including peer review and self-review;


In order to achieve the learning outcomes, the student will need to
- read & follow instructions
- study the learning materials
- successfully complete course assignments by the deadlines
- engage in peer review
- collaborate with fellow students
- manage time effectively
- communicate effectively with peers and teachers
- use their initiative
- reflect on learning

Learning and assessment of learning will take place during the course.
The course is only intended for degree students


Milja Mero, Sarina Lewis, Hasmik Minasyan


Toteutuskerta Periodi Vastuuhenkilö Suoritusvaatimukset
KIE-34107 2019-01 1 - 2 Hasmik Minasyan
KIE-34107 2019-02 1 - 3 Galyna Dubova
Sarina Lewis
Darrell Wilkinson
Assessment will take into account the following:

- Active participation and interaction with peers (in and outside of the classroom);
- Successful completion of all assignments by the deadlines, including peer review and self-review;


In order to achieve the learning outcomes, the student will need to
- read & follow instructions
- study the learning materials
- successfully complete course assignments by the deadlines
- engage in peer review
- collaborate with fellow students
- manage time effectively
- communicate effectively with peers and teachers
- use their initiative
- reflect on learning

Learning and assessment of learning will take place during the course.
KIE-34107 2019-03 3 - 4 Hasmik Minasyan
KIE-34107 2019-04 3 - 4 Milja Mero
Hasmik Minasyan
The 3-credit option of the course must be completed for your programme.
KIE-34107 2019-05 5 Darrell Wilkinson
Spoken Communication in English or PIE.
If Bachelor's programme requires completion.


After completing the course, a student should be able to write an academic paper, including an abstract, introduction, and conclusion, which reflects an understanding of sentence and paragraph design, appropriate style, principles of readability, and of citation.


Sisältö Ydinsisältö Täydentävä tietämys Erityistietämys
1. Upon completion of the course, the student can: -write in stages: outlining, drafting, analyzing feedback, revising, and polishing     
2. -paraphrase and summarize source material without plagiarizing from the original  -refer to figures or other visual data in your text  -use formatting and linguistic conventions for citation in his/her particular discipline, e.g. author-date or numerical citation, reporting verbs, punctuation of citations 
3. -identify informal language and make vocabulary choices suitable for an academic audience  -employ synonyms to enrich your writing style and avoid redundancy   
4. -write paragraphs with predictable flow, e.g. general-specific, and clear topical focus     
5. -organize a whole text into a predictable pattern according to its audience and purpose, e.g. literature review or research paper  -use parallel structures when forming lists   
6. -write an introduction which explains the significance and purpose of the text  -vary sentence type and complexity   
7. -write an abstract that concisely describes important parts of a text  -avoid unnecessary nominalization and use of jargon which makes a text harder to understand   
8. -write a conclusion that underlines the key points or findings of the text     

Ohjeita opiskelijalle osaamisen tasojen saavuttamiseksi

The assessment is based on: -active participation and interaction with peers -drafting, revision and polishing of a text, the final version of which is graded -successful completion of all assignments by the deadlines, including peer review and self-review In order to achieve the learning outcomes, the student will need to: - read & follow instructions - study the learning materials - successfully complete course assignments by the deadlines - engage in peer review - collaborate/interact with fellow students - manage time effectively - communicate effectively with peers and teachers - use their initiative - reflect on learning Learning and assessment of learning will take place during the course.


Evaluation scale passed/failed will be used on the course


Completion parts must belong to the same implementation

Tietoa esitietovaatimuksista
Spoken Communication In English, or Professional Interactions in English, or the English Language Exam/ Spoken should be completed before taking this course.


Opintojakso Vastaa opintojaksoa  Selite 
KIE-34107 Academic Writing in English, 2-3 cr KIE-34106 Academic Writing in English, 3 cr  

Päivittäjä: Lewis Sarina, 17.06.2019