MEI-71207 Sustainability in Mechatronics, 5 cr


Lectures, exercises and web-learning.


Kari Koskinen, Jaakko Myllykylä


Toteutuskerta Periodi Vastuuhenkilö Suoritusvaatimukset
MEI-71207 2019-01 1 - 2 Kari Koskinen
Jaakko Myllykylä
Tuomas Salomaa
Approved exercise assignment and approved final exam.


After the course the student has general understanding for applying sustainable solutions in design of mechatronic systems. The student knows the different methods for enhancing sustainability in multi-technological systems.The student is able to apply sustainable solutions like environmentally friendly hydraulic fluids, energy efficient solutions, system life cycle management, leakage management, noise control and safe design solutions in system design. The course develops also the student's ability to analyze technological problems and documenting the process.


Sisältö Ydinsisältö Täydentävä tietämys Erityistietämys
1. Sustainability in mechatronic systems. Electrical, hydraulic and pneumatic systems.  Basic design of multi-technological systems when considering sustainability.  Advanced design of multi-technological systems. 
2. Water-based hydraulic fluids; their use and compatibility   Water as a pressure medium in hydraulic systems; additives  Structures and properties of emulsions and water-glycols 
3. Energy efficient solutions in mechatronics; basic solutions, more advanced solutions  Energy recovery systems  Defining energy balance, special systems 
4. Minimizing leakages, different sealing systems  Special sealings  Dimensioning of sealing systems 
5. Noise control of mechatronic systems  Noise attenuation  Pressure pulsation attenuation 
6. Condition monitoring of mechatronic systems  System level condition monitoring; system life cycle management  Fault analysis 
7. Basic safety solutions in mechatronic systems  Safety in design  System design 

Tietoa esitietovaatimuksista
Basic knowledge of mechatronic components and systems is recommendable


Opintojakso Vastaa opintojaksoa  Selite 
MEI-71207 Sustainability in Mechatronics, 5 cr MEI-71206 Sustainable Fluid Power Systems, 5 cr  

Päivittäjä: Andersson Kirsi, 26.03.2019