BMT-85006 Demola Project Work, 5-10 cr


Please note that other faculties have Demola courses too, so make sure that you have selected the correct course for you. In order to participate on the course, you need to apply and to be selected to a Demola project by the Demola (in There is a special application process and schedule for the application to the course. The course is only intended for degree students The course is only intended for degree students


Jari Viik


Toteutuskerta Periodi Vastuuhenkilö Suoritusvaatimukset
BMT-85006 2019-01 1 - 4 Jari Viik
Team's project plan - Active participation in project work - Active participation in workshops - Pitching (~presentations) in Demola events - Weekly blog posts - A demo or prototype of a product, service or other innovation produced by the team - Team's final report - Other needed documentation and reporting and oral presentation - Feedback survey after the project / course (both Demola's and TUT's) More detailed definition will be done annually. Further information about the projects at
Completion parts must belong to the same implementation.


Student can work in a team having different backgrounds and skill sets. Student can bring out and provide his/her competence in creation of a demo or a prototype of a product, service or other innovation. Student can use development practices, design and product research methods. Student can write a project report, which summarise, rationalise and explain the findings and ideas developed during the project. Student also practises oral presentation skills by presenting the findings of project.


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Päivittäjä: $course.modifier, 04.07.2019