LTT-32006 Demola Project Work, 5-10 cr


The course is for students who are participating Demola projects regarding natural sciences, biotechnology, environmental engineering or energy engineering. The project is managed by Demola and the course only provides a supervisor in the field of study, no teaching.

If you're interested in taking this course, you need to apply and be selected to a Demola project:
When you get selected, sign in to this course.

Only 5 cr records will be admitted. The course is only intended for degree students


Juha Toivonen, Marja Palmroth, Anna Pitkänen


Toteutuskerta Periodi Vastuuhenkilö Suoritusvaatimukset
LTT-32006 2019-01 1 - 2 Anna Pitkänen
- Team's project plan
- Active participation in project work
- Active participation in workshops
- Pitching (~presentations) in Demola events
- Weekly blog posts
- A demo or prototype of a product, service or other innovation produced by the team
- Team's final report
- Other needed documentation and reporting and oral presentation
- Feedback survey after the project / course (both Demola's and TUT's)

More detailed definition will be done annually.

Further information about the projects at
LTT-32006 2019-02 3 - 4 Anna Pitkänen
- Team's project plan
- Active participation in project work
- Active participation in workshops
- Pitching (~presentations) in Demola events
- Weekly blog posts
- A demo or prototype of a product, service or other innovation produced by the team
- Team's final report
- Other needed documentation and reporting and oral presentation
- Feedback survey after the project / course (both Demola's and TUT's)

More detailed definition will be done annually.

Further information about the projects at


After the course, the student is able to participate in a professional role in a team that creates a demo or a prototype of a product, service or other innovation, using agile development practices, design and product research methods. Team working skills are especially emphasised as the course comprises of an assignment carried out by a group of students having different backgrounds and skill sets. By writing a project report the student will learn to summarise, rationalise and explain the findings and ideas developed during the project. Oral presentation skills will also be learned as the students present and explain their findings in a project presentation. Opintojakson suoritettuaan: -opiskelija osaa soveltaa ja käyttää opinnoissa kertynyttä substanssiosaamista ongelmanratkaisuun. -opiskelija pystyy osallistumaan ammattimaisesti projektiryhmään, jonka tehtävänä on luoda demo, prototyyppi, palvelu tai muu innovaatio käyttäen ketterän kehityksen käytäntöjen, suunnittelun ja tuotteiden tutkimusmenetelmiä. -opiskelijan suullinen esiintymistaito sekä tiimityötaidot ovat parantuneet. Projekti suoritetaan poikkitieteellisessä tiimissä, jonka jäsenillä on erilaiset taustat sekä taidot. Projektin aikana projektiryhmä esittää ja selittää heidän havaintojaan ja ajatuksiaan projektiesityksissä. -opiskelija on kirjoittanut projektinraportin, jonka avulla opiskelija oppii järkeistämään, tiivistämään ja selittämään projektiin liittyvät havainnot ja ajatukset.


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LTT-32006 Demola Project Work, 5-10 cr TLU-32006 Demola Project Work, 5-10 cr  

Päivittäjä: Pitkänen Anna, 21.08.2019