DEE-24106 Electric Power Systems, 5 cr


Nida Riaz, Ari Nikander


Toteutuskerta Periodi Vastuuhenkilö Suoritusvaatimukset
DEE-24106 2019-01 3 Ari Nikander
Nida Riaz
To attend the lectures; to pass the one final exam (60% of grade) and to complete the course assignments (40% of grade)


Student having taken the course should understand the principles of how an electrical power system is planned and operated. They are expected to model and analyse the steady-state and dynamic performance of simple power systems using: power flows; short-circuit fault current calculations and the various forms of power system stability assessments. Student should be able to carry out simulation studies of practical power systems operating under steady-state and dynamic conditions using commercial power system analysis software; to check the sanity of the simulation results by resorting to basic theory; to assess the operation of the actual power system under study and to produce a well laid-out simulations report.


Sisältö Ydinsisältö Täydentävä tietämys Erityistietämys
1. Week 1. Transmission Line Performance: Active and reactive power flows in short, medium and long transmission lines, SIL. Principles of compensation  Week 1. Transmission Line Performance: Standing waves and basic concepts of corona effects   Week 1. Transmission Line Performance: At harmonic frequencies  
2. Week 2. Power Flow Analysis: Basic theory, power flow solution algorithms (e.g.. Newton-Raphson, Fast Decoupled)   Week 2. Power Flow Analysis: Computer-based power flow solutions of medium and large-scale power systems   Week 2. Power Flow Analysis: Sparse matrix techniques Three-phase power flows  
3. Week 3. Short-Circuit Analysis: Background theory, fault level and the representation of classical power system faults  Week 3. Short-Circuit Analysis: Power flow-initialized short-circuit analyses Advanced transformer modelling  Week 3. Short-Circuit Analysis: Dynamics of short-circuits, circuit breaker selection and protection relay studies 
4. Week 4. Grid Operation & Frequency Control: Principles and hierarchy of frequency control at electricity market. Primary and secondary frequency control. General principles of grid operation in today’s power industry: Transmission system congestion management, Power balance management and Reserves.  Week 4. Grid Operation & Frequency Control: Area control error. Automatic generation control using SCADA and EMS systems. Advanced principles of grid operation and frequency control  Week 4. Grid Operation & Frequency Control: Dynamics of grid operation and frequency control 
5. Week 5. Voltage Control & Stability: Equipment for voltage control and reactive power compensation. Primary voltage control. Voltage control principles in Finland. Basics of voltage stability and voltage collapse. Voltage stability analysis methods: PV- and VQ-curves.  Week 5. Voltage Control & Stability: Secondary voltage control. Modelling of SVC, tap changer and polynomial loads in Newton-Raphson power flows.  Week 5. Voltage Control & Stability: Dynamics of voltage control FACTS equipment 
6. Week 6. Power Systems Stability: Stability classification, swing equation, power-angle equation and equal-area criterion. Classical model of synchronous machine. Analysis of simple systems  Week 6. Power Systems Stability: Analysis of multi-machine systems, combination of dynamic and static equations, factors influencing angle stability. Introduction to small signal stability   Week 6. Power Systems Stability: State-space presentation of large-scale power systems for small signal stability analysis  
7. Week 7. Power system harmonics:   Week 7. Power system harmonics:   Week 7. Power system harmonics:  

Ohjeita opiskelijalle osaamisen tasojen saavuttamiseksi

Exam (60%) Assignments (40%)


Numerical evaluation scale (0-5)


Tyyppi Nimi Tekijä ISBN URL Lisätiedot Tenttimateriaali
Book   Modern Power System Analysis   D. P. Kothari - I. J. Nagrath   0-07-049489-4     Applicable chapters: 2,3,5,6,8,9,10,11,12,15,17   Yes   
Lecture slides     Ari Nikander         Yes   
Online book   Electric Energy Systems   A. Gomez-Exposito, A. J. Conejo and C. Canizarez   9781420007275     Applicable chapters: 1,2,3,8,9,10   Yes   


Opintojakso P/S Selite
DEE-23106 Fundamentals of Electrical and Power Engineering Mandatory    


Opintojakso Vastaa opintojaksoa  Selite 
DEE-24106 Electric Power Systems, 5 cr SET-6316 Electric Power Systems, 5 cr  

Päivittäjä: Turjanmäki Pia, 04.03.2019