TTA-15206 Sourcing and Supply Management, 5 cr

Toteutuskerta TTA-15206 2019-01

Periodi Ei toteuteta lukuvuonna 2019-2020.
Vastuuhenkilö Jussi Heikkilä, Mohammad Moshtari


Numerical evaluation scale (0-5)


Workshop reports, challenge question assignments, simulation game and exam

Lisätietoja toteutuksesta

The next implementation of the course will be in period 1 in 2020-21. Due to the change of periods the course is not organised this academic year 2019-20. In the Major the course can be replaced with TTA-75040 Tuotannon suunnittelu ja kehittäminen in 2019-20 (organized only in Finnish). If you have any problems with your study plan, please contact the Academic Officer of your programme (opintosuunnittelija).