MEI-52200 Valmistuksen mittaus- ja analysointimenetelmät, 5 op
Measurement and Analysis Methods in Manufacturing


All course materials will be in English, but the lectures will be given in Finnish. All course tasks can be submitted either in Finnish or English.Therefore this course is a "mix language" course which can be completed in English but students do not need to write English if they prefer Finnish.

Course uses Moodle page for all communications, distributing materials, etc. Moodle page requires an enrollment key, which will be sent to enrolled students before course starts.


Jouko Kiviö, Eric Coatanea


Toteutuskerta Periodi Vastuuhenkilö Suoritusvaatimukset
MEI-52200 2019-01 3 - 4 Eric Coatanea
Jouko Kiviö
Hossein Mokhtarian
Completed and accepted calculational exercises and assignments.


After completing the course student understands the fundamentals of different methods used in measurements within machine shop. Student is able to define and calculate the uncertainty of measurements and is familiar with geometrical product specification ISO-standard system. He/She is able to choose between different measuring methods depending on the workpiece specifications. He/She has basic understanding of quality assurance with optical and tactile coordinate measuring machine. Student is able to identify and make arrangements of measurement system for small- and middle size work piece assemblies using optical measurement set-ups.


Sisältö Ydinsisältö Täydentävä tietämys Erityistietämys
1. Chain from design via manufacturing to verification of process  Geometrical product specifications standardisation system  Coordinate measuring machines, optical measuring systems 
2. Terms of measuring uncertainty. Using harmonized principles how to determine measuring uncertainty. (EA-4/02 and Substitution Method - ISO 15530)Basic concepts and methods of programming machine vision systems  Use of these methods for other quantities them derivatives of meter   
3. Mathematical modeling of factors contribuing to measurement uncertainty  Statistical mathematics and utilization of probability distributions to calculations   
4. The principles, and possibilities of most important optical co-ordinate measuring systems (dimensional metrology).  Knowing the principles, features as well problems helps to find the best solutions.   Modern optical measurement and digital operations of picture 
5. Measuring strategies and filtering of points. Different mathematical methods to analyse the measured features  Measuring reports - understanding tracability chain, international agreements within quality assurance,    

Ohjeita opiskelijalle osaamisen tasojen saavuttamiseksi

Course grade is determined from calculational and essaic assgnements and exam. Students are able to raise the total evaluation of exam with thorough work within assignements


Arvosteluasteikko on numeerinen (0-5)


Osasuoritusten pitää liittyä samaan toteutuskertaan


Tyyppi Nimi Tekijä ISBN URL Lisätiedot Tenttimateriaali
Luentokalvot   Lecture materials   Lecturers         Ei   
Muu verkkomateriaali   Evaluation of measurement data; Guide to the expression of uncertainty in measurement   BIPM         Ei   
Muu verkkomateriaali   Standards related to subject   ISO / SFS         Ei   


Opintojakso P/S Selite
MAT-02500 Todennäköisyyslaskenta Pakollinen    
MAT-02550 Tilastomatematiikka Suositeltava    
MEI-50400 Johdanto tuotantotekniikkaan Suositeltava    

Tietoa esitietovaatimuksista
This is a Masters level course mainly aimed for students who study Production Engineering. Therefore basic knowledge about production engineering and statistical and probability mathematics is needed to understand the fundamentals of course topics and to successfully fulfill the level of understanding in calculation as well as the exercises on the course.


Opintojakso ei vastaan mitään toista opintojaksoa

Päivittäjä: Andersson Kirsi, 26.03.2019