KEB-15207 LCA in Energy and Environmental Engineering, 5 cr


The course is intended only for master students who have sufficient background knowledge in environmental / energy engineering. Priviledge is given to degree students of Environmental and Energy Engineering. The course is only intended for degree students
Suitable for postgraduate studies.


Jukka Rintala, Hannele Auvinen


Toteutuskerta Periodi Vastuuhenkilö Suoritusvaatimukset
KEB-15207 2019-01 4 Hannele Auvinen
Anubhuti Bhatnagar
Exam, preparatory group work and a modeling exercise


After completing the course, the student is able to: - Define the basic concepts of LCA, e.g. levels and stages of LCA - Select the boundaries of LCA in a concrete simulation exercise - Interpret the results of a simulation with different scopes - Apply a software in a concrete simulation and select the correct the inventories and tools for the simulation - Apply LCA in a relevant case study to promote sustainability in engineering projects


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KEB-15207 LCA in Energy and Environmental Engineering, 5 cr KEB-15206 LCA in Energy and Environmental Engineering, 3 cr  

Päivittäjä: Laine Marja-Liisa, 06.03.2019