Opinto-opas 2005-2006

Introduction to decision analysis

Opintojakson vastuuhenkilö
professor Pia Koskenoja

professor Pia Koskenoja

Luentoajat ja -paikat
Per IV: Torstai 14 - 16, F KAPPELISALI

Toteutus 1
  Periodi 1 Periodi 2 Periodi 3 Periodi 4 Periodi 5 Kesä Opetuskieli
Seminaari - - - 2 h/vko - - Vain englanniksi
Tentti   Vain englanniksi
(Lukuvuoden 2005-2006 aikataulu)

The aim of the course is to help the students to understand the the principles of rational decision making and to improve the quality of choices they make in their professional lifes.

Sisältöalue Ydinaines Täydentävä tietämys Erityistietämys
1. Difference between a rational and a descriptive approach to judgement and decision making.       
2. Psychology and heuristics of judgement.       
3. Choice in situations with little uncertainty about obtaining outcomes but much uncertainty about how the decision maker will like the outcomes.       

Active participation in the course and the exam. Additional points may be earned by prepared presentations and homeworks.

Opintojakson arviointikriteerit
Active participation in the course and an exam. Additional points may be earned by prepared presentations and homeworks.

  • Opintojaksolla käytetään numeerista arviointiasteikkoa (1-5)
  • Oppimateriaali
    Tyyppi Nimi Tekijä ISBN URL,painos,saatavuus... Tenttimateriaali Kieli
    Kirja Rational Choice in an Uncertain World Reid Hastie and Robyn M Dawes 0-7619-2275- ISBN 0-7619-2275-X Kyllä  Englanti 

    Tietoa esitietovaatimuksista
    No prior knowledge about the subject is required, but a prior course in logic might prove helpful.

    The course introduces students to the theory of rational choice and the commonly used heuristics that deviate from rationality. No prior knowledge about the subject is required, but a course in logic might help. Course routine: The students read each week's text in advance and discuss it in class. The course consists of conversations about the text and the exam. Additional points may be earned by prepared presentations and exercises. The course covers chapters 1-11 (pages 1-248) of the book.

  • Opintojakson osasuoritusten pitää liittyä samaan toteutuskertaan.
  • Opintojakso soveltuu jatko-opinnoiksi.
  • Opintojaksokorvaavuus
    5604021 Introduction to Decision Analysis

    Opintojakson kotisivu

    Viimeksi muokattu 25.04.2005
    MuokkaajaHarri Rauhamäki