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76527 Introduction to Microsystem Technology, 3 ov

Johdatus Mikrosysteemitekniikkaan, 3 cu

Research Engineer PASI KALLIO (, Room SD104)
Lectures 28 h. Seminars.

Viikottainen Opetus / Periodi S1S2K1K2Kesä
Luennot (h)2+2 ---
Harjoitukset (h)-- ---


The course gives an introduction to microsystem technology and its applications. Microfabrication technologies, energy transformation effects (such as electrostatics, piezoelectrics, magneto- and electrostriction and shape memory effect), microphysics and scaling, microsensors, microactuators, microfluidics, micromanipulation and microrobotics are covered in the course.


Final examination and seminar work (including oral presentation and written report).


Lecture notes. Fatikow & Rembold: Microsystem Technology and Microrobotics, Springer, 1997 (partly).

Vaadittavat esitiedot

None. But the student is assumed to have willingness to cross engineering disciplines. As an introductory course Introduction to Microsystem Technology suits well for students having a background in automation engineering, electrical engineering, computer science, mechanical engineering, material science or environmental engineering.


Lectures are given in English. The course is recommended to be taken in the third or fourth year of studies.

