TTKK Opinto-opas
8009065 Data Mining, 2 ov
Tiedonlouhinta, 2 cu
Professor ARI VISA
Lectures 28 h. Exercises 28 h.
Viikottainen Opetus / Periodi |
S1 | S2 | K1 | K2 | Kesä |
Luennot (h) | 2+ | 2 |
- | - | - |
Harjoitukset (h) | 2+ | 2 |
- | - | - |
Luentoaika ja -paikka
Mondays at 13-15 in TB216.
The course equips you with a sound understanding of data mining principles
and teaches you proven methods for knowledge discovery in large corporate
Project work and final examination.
Data Mining: Concepts and Techniques, Jiawei Han, Micheline Kamber, Morgan
Kaufmann Publisher, 2000. Principles of Data Mining, David J. Hand, Heikki
Mannila and Padhraic Smyth, MIT Press, 2000.
Vaadittavat esitiedot
Basic programming skills and 80507 Introduction to signal processing II
or 80506 Digital Signal Processing.
Lectures in Finnish or in English. Accepted as a post-graduate course.
Will be lectured on every second year.