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80917 Graduate research seminar, 5,0 ov

Graduate Recearch Seminar, 5,0 cu

Seminars 56 h.

Viikottainen Opetus / Periodi S1S2K1K2Kesä
Luennot (h)2+2+ 2+2-
Harjoitukset (h)-- ---

Luentoaika ja -paikka

Fall: Tuesdays at 13-15 in HB111. Spring: Tuesdays at 13-15 in TB223.


Lectures by visiting recearchers and presentations by participants. Discussion of recearch developments in the theory and practice of signal processing.


Two oral presentations with a written report and attendance during two consecutive semesters. The presentations and the reports should have a scientific style and should cover a fairly large entity of doctoral studies. The subject and the contents of the presentations should be discussed with the adviser of the doctoral studies.


Accepted as a post-graduate course.