TTKK Opinto-opas
80951 Signal processing laboratory, 3,0 ov
Signal processing laboratory, 3,0 cu
Professor ARI VISA
Laboratory projects 84 h
Viikottainen Opetus / Periodi |
S1 | S2 | K1 | K2 | Kesä |
Luennot (h) | - | - |
- | - | - |
Harjoitukset (h) | 3+ | 3+ |
3+ | 3 | - |
To teach independent problem solving via laboratory exercises.
Laboratory exercises using real time signal processing and analysis
PC-based equipment, signal measurements and conditioning, filter
design and analysis spectral analysis, speech processing, digital
video sequence processing.
Laboratory works and their reporting.
Vaadittavat esitiedot
Basic programming skills and 80507 Introduction to signal processing II or
80506 Digital Signal Processing.