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80961 Signal Processing Project, 3,0-5,0 ov

Signal Processing Project, 3,0-5,0 cu

Professor MONCEF GABBOUJ and Senior Researcher OLLI YLI-HARJA
Project work 28 h

Viikottainen Opetus / Periodi S1S2K1K2Kesä
Luennot (h)-- ---
Harjoitukset (h)2+2 2+2-

Luentoaika ja -paikka

Autumn: Fridays at 10-12 in HB115 and spring at TB223.


Individual guided research projects relating to student's special interests. Projects can be theoretical algorithm studies, system level design or implementation of digital signal processing systems. Course can be taken during the fall or spring term and the credit units correspond to the actual amount of work. See remark below concerning summer project work.


Two presentations, active attendance and final report.


The project work can be done during the summer, but no formal lectures will be held. All presentations must be given during either the Fall or Spring semester.

