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5906061 International Water Policy and Management, 2 ov

Docent Tapio Katko, Docent Jarmo Hukka and M.Sc. Osmo Seppälä
Lectures 12 h, guided groupwork and seminars 25 h

Viikottainen Opetus / Periodi S1S2K1K2Kesä
Luennot (h)-- 3--
Harjoitukset (h)-- ---

Luentoaika ja -paikka

Lectures will take place on Wednesdays at 13 - 16 o´clock at room FC 117.


The course aims at giving a wide perspective on international water policies and trends in relation to water for people, water for food and water for nature. The course contents are linked with on-going international environment and especially water-related processes like Rio+10 and Vision21.


Institutional development of services, research approaches and theories, major stakeholders of water industry, sustainability, viability, long-term lessons and changes, public/private partnership, futures research, case studies from transition and developing economies. Two to three joint seminars will be organised and learning-based groupwork will be used through virtual technics and joint sessions. The course will be organised in cooperation with other interested universities in Finland.


Attendance in lessons, groupwork and seminars.


Supporting literature and sources to be supplied.

Vaadittavat esitiedot

Selected professional water-related courses.


Not necessarily offered each year. Offered academic year 2001 - 2002. The course is accepted for post graduate studies.