Course Catalog 2006-2007

TKT-2526 PROJECT WORK, 5-8 cr
Project Work

Courses persons responsible
Marko Hännikäinen

Marko Hännikäinen

Person responsible: Marko Hännikäinen
Extra info: Seminars consists both lectures and student presentations
  Period 1 Period 2 Period 3 Period 4 Period 5 Summer
Seminar 2 h/week 2 h/week 2 h/week 2 h/week 2 h/week -
(Timetable for academic year 2006-2007)

The course prepares to carry out a project successfully as a part of a project team and with the responsibilities of a project manager. Teaches project documentation, communication and negotiations with different interest groups, meeting practices, co-working in a group, giving presentations, handling bureaucracy, project management, etc.

Content Core content Complementary knowledge Specialist knowledge
1. Lectures contain a project and project oriented work definitions, project management, project work quality, and how to carry out a full project successfully       
2. Establishing a project group, topic negotiations and client meetings, producing a project plan       
3. Carrying out a project in a group, continuous project management       
4. The technical content of the selected project topic, applying tools and methods and previous knowledge to produce results.
5. Disseminating project results, project documentation, technical reports, and presentations       

Requirements for completing the course
Active participation to the seminars, at least two seminar presentations, carrying out a student project as group work

Evaluation criteria for the course

  • The extent of the project work, working hours, groups activity, and quality of the project results, and keeping the time plan.

  • Used assessment scale is passed / failed

  • Study material
    Type Name Auhor ISBN URL Edition, availability... Exam material Language
    Lecture slides Lecture sllides Marko Hännikäinen     Course homepages No   

    Code Course Credits M/R
    TKT-1230 TKT-1230 Digital Systems Laboratory 3 Recommendable

    Prequisite relations (Sign up to TUT Intranet required)

    Additional information about prerequisites
    Course recommended before M.Sc. thesis work


    Recommended for students majoring in Digital and Computer Systems. A student can write MSc thesis on the project work results.

  • Partial passing of course must be in connection with the same round of implementation.

  • Distance learning

  • ITC utilized during the course

  • - In information distribution via homepage, newsgroups or mailing lists, e.g. current issues, timetables
    - In distributing and/or returning exercise work, material etc
    - In interaction and discussion, such as online discussions, chat

  • Estimate as a percentage of the implementation of the course
  • - Contact teaching: 30 %
    - Distance learning: 30 %
    - Proportion of a student's independent study: 40 %

    Methods of instructionHours
    Lectures 14
    Laboratory assignments 184
    Seminar reports 8
    Total sum 206

    Correspondence of content
    TKT-2520 Project Work

    Course homepage

    Last modified 30.01.2007
    Modified byMarko Hännikäinen