Course Catalog 2006-2007

Programming I

Courses persons responsible
Terhi Kilamo

Terhi Kilamo

Lecturetimes and places
Per I: Monday 12 - 14, TB224
Per I: Wednesday 12 - 14, TB224
Per II: Monday 12 - 14, TB214

  Period 1 Period 2 Period 3 Period 4 Period 5 Summer
Lecture 4 h/week 2 h/week - - - -
Exercise 1 h/week 1 h/week - - - -
(Timetable for academic year 2006-2007)

After completing the course, the student can write small programs in an imperative programming language.

Content Core content Complementary knowledge Specialist knowledge
1. The basic concepts of programming. What can be done with a program.
The concept of algorithms.
Designing and implementing a simple program.
Divide and conquer approach to designing programs.
Programming style basics. 
2. Variables and data types.  Choosing the suitable data type for different purposes.  vector 
3. if-statements.
The while-loop. 
Other loop mechanisms (for and do-while)
break and continue. 
4. Functions, parameter passing mechanisms.       
5. Using the basic programming tools (editor, compiler).  Using the style analysis tools.  Using the debugger. 

Requirements for completing the course
Homework assignments and a final exam. All homework assignments need to be turned in and accepted before the exam.

Evaluation criteria for the course

  • The grade is given based on the exam, points from the homework assignments and possible extra credit from active attendance.

  • Used assessment scale is numeric (1-5)

  • Study material
    Type Name Auhor ISBN URL Edition, availability... Exam material Language
    Lecture slides Programming I Terhi Kilamo       Yes  English 
    Book C++ from the Beginning Jan Skansholm 0 201 72168 6     No  English 
    Book Problem Solving with C++: the object of programming Walter Savitch 0 321 26975 6     No  English 

    Code Course Credits M/R
    OHJ-1016 OHJ-1016 Computer Literacy 4 Recommendable

    Prequisite relations (Sign up to TUT Intranet required)

    Additional information about prerequisites
    No prerequisites. Computer literacy is recommended but not required.


  • Partial passing of course must be in connection with the same round of implementation.

  • Distance learning

  • ITC utilized during the course

  • - In information distribution via homepage, newsgroups or mailing lists, e.g. current issues, timetables
    - In compiling teaching material, particularly for online use or other electronic media
    - In compiling exercise, group or laboratory work
    - In distributing and/or returning exercise work, material etc
    - In the visualization of objects and phenomena, e.g. animations, demonstrations, simulations, video clips

  • Estimate as a percentage of the implementation of the course
  • - Contact teaching: 45 %
    - Distance learning: 10 %
    - Proportion of a student's independent study: 45 %

    Methods of instructionHours
    Lectures 54
    Exercises 27.5
    Assignments 23

    Other scaledHours
    New tools and study methods 2
    Preparation for exam 1
    Exam/midterm exam 3
    Total sum 110.5

    Correspondence of content
    8100100 Programming I

    Course homepage

    Last modified 27.01.2006
    Modified byTerhi Kilamo