Course Catalog 2006-2007

Art History in English: Advanced Course

Courses persons responsible
Timo Lepistö

Timo Lepistö

Language of Instruction
CEF level B2

Lecturetimes and places
Language center timetables

Extra info: Lepistö, MA + KE 12 - 14, ryhmä 1
  Period 1 Period 2 Period 3 Period 4 Period 5 Summer
Lecture 2 h/week 2 h/week - - - -
(Timetable for academic year 2006-2007)

Familiarize students with the major movements, styles, and artists in western art from the Renaissance to Impressionism. Provide terminology on art historical periods, styles, and techniques and European cultural and intellectual history. Highlight some connections between art and the scientific-technological developments in the West. The course is based on lectures and class discussions of the visual and textual material provided by the instructor. Materials are also available on the net.

Content Core content Complementary knowledge Specialist knowledge
1. Proto-Renaissance: Duccio, Giotto, Simone Martini.
Early Renaissance: Donatello, Masaccio, Piero della Francesca, Verrocchio, Pollaiuolo, Botticelli, Mantegna.
High Renaissance: da Vinci, Michelangelo, Raphael, Bellini, Titian.
Mannerism: Pontormo, Fiorentino, Parmigianino. Northern European Renaissance: van Eyck, Bosch, Altdorfer, Cranach Grunewaldt, Durer, Holbein, Brueghel, El Greco
Nicola ja Giovanni Pisano, Berlinghieri, Brunelleschi, Ghiberti, Filippo Lippi.
Bramante, Correggio, Palladio, Tintoretto, Veronese, Bronzino.
Limbourg brothers, Campin, van der Weyden, Fouquet, Quartion, Metsys, Gossaert, Spranger, Patinir, Clouet, de Toledo, Herrera
Taddeo Gaddi, the Lorenzetti brothers, Di Banco, Bartolommeo, Fabriano, Alberti, Uccello, Castagno, Veneziano, Sansovino, Romano, Sluter, Christus, Bouts, van der Goes, Memling, Witz, Stoss, Riemenschneider, Wolgemut, Schongauer, Goujon
2. Baroque in Italy: Bernini, Caravaccio.
Baroque in Europe: Velasquez, Rubens, Hals, Rembrandt, Vermeer, de la Tour, Poussin, Lorrain,
Maderno, Borromini, Guarino, Domenichino, Ribera, van Dyck, Honthorst, Ruisdael, le Nain, the Versailles project, Jones, Wren  Longhena, Carracci brothers, Reni, Gentileschi, Rosa, Pozzo, Cortona, Zurbaran, Murillo, Kalff, Heda, van Goyen, Hobbema, van der Velde, de Hooch, van Ostade, Brouwer, Terborch, Steen, Rigaud 
3. Rococo: Watteau, Boucher, Fragonard, Chardin; Canaletto, Guardi; Hogarth, Reynolds, Gainsborough  Greuze, Vigee-Lebrun, Tiepolo, Cuvillies, Stubbs,  Bofrand, Neumann, Asam brothers, Feuchmayer, Prandtauer, West 
4. Neo-Classicism: David, Ingres       
5. Romanticism: Blake, Gros, Gericault, Delacroix, Friedrich, Turner.
Realism: Goya, Gourbet, Manet

Runge, Daumier, Constable, Corot, Millet  Giroder-Trioson,
Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood: Millais, Hunt, Rossetti, Burne-Jones

Requirements for completing the course
75% attendance and participation in class, oral presentation, mid-term and final examinations

Evaluation criteria for the course

  • Continuous assessment, participation in class discussions, oral presentation, mid-term and final examination

  • Used assessment scale is numeric (1-5)

  • Study material
    Type Name Auhor ISBN URL Edition, availability... Exam material Language
    Book Art Through the Ages Helen Gardner       Yes  English 
    Other online content         Sources given in a handout Yes  English 

    Code Course Credits M/R
    KIE-3200 KIE-3200 English for Engineers 3 Mandatory

    Prequisite relations (Sign up to TUT Intranet required)


    Literature: Helen Gardner, Art Through the Ages or E.H. Gombrich, The Story of Art or Hugh Hounoar and John Fleming, Word History of Art, or any equivalent art historical survey. Handouts, summaries, net sources.

  • Partial passing of course must be in connection with the same round of implementation.

  • The course is suitable for postgraduate studies.

  • Distance learning

  • ITC utilized during the course

  • - In compiling teaching material, particularly for online use or other electronic media

    Methods of instructionHours
    Lectures 36
    Exercises 36
    Assignments 4
    Total sum 76

    Principles and starting points related to the instruction and learning of the course

  • Lectures and class discussions aim to give students an overall picture of the characteristics of western art historical periods and their major artists and train students in visual analysis. Texts and exercises, class participation, and oral presentions seek to enhance students' oral skills, language and analyzing capabilities and provide them with art and cultural historical terminology. Some connections between art and scientific-technological development are highlighted as well. Textual and visual materials serve as tools to help students develop their analytical and rhetorical skills.

  • Correspondence of content
    9701340 Art History in English (for students of architecture)

    Last modified 20.06.2006
    Modified byTimo Lepistö