Mathematics (e) |
Syventävät opinnot
Keijo Ruohonen
- Advanced studies in Mathematics cover a wide spectrum of mathematics applicable in technology. This is reflected in the variety of focus areas in Mathematics. An advanced study module can be chosen from the following three fields:
¿ Discrete Mathematics
¿ Mathematical Modelling and Scientific Computing
¿ Statistics and Data Analysis
These give a basic mathematical background in their respective areas of application in information technology, and constitute well-defined major subjects of their own.
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Tietotekniikan koulutusohjelma - International Master's Degree in Information Technology - Diplomi-insinöörin tutkinto |
Opintokokonaisuus | Opintopisteet |
Information Technology | 25 op |
Students may specialize in one of the three focus areas in Mathematics. A minimum number of 30 credits for the advanced study module shall be completed with studies selected freely from the list of compulsory and elective courses. Please notice that some of the listed courses are common with the Finnish curriculum and they are not given in the international programme. Special arrangements to pass these courses can be requested from the responsible teachers.
COMPULSORY COURSES: At least three courses from the following list are compulsory: MAT-41156 Algebra 1, 5 cr. MAT-41176 Theory of Automata, 5 cr. a) MAT-41186 Formal Languages, 6 cr. a) MAT-41196 Graph Theory, 6 cr. b) MAT-42650 Symbolic Computation, 7 cr. b) MAT-51206 Coding Theory, 5 cr. MAT-51216 Information Theory, 4 cr. MAT-51250 Optimization Theory 2, 4 cr. MAT-52606 Mathematical Cryptology, 6 cr. MAT-55406 Finite Fields, 4 cr. MAT-59056 Mathematical Logic, 7 cr. a) At least one of these must be chosen. b) At least one of these must be chosen. ELECTIVE COURSES: MAT-31106 Numerical Analysis 1, 5 cr. MAT-41120 Optimization Theory 1, 5 cr. MAT-41156 Algebra 1, 5 cr. MAT-41196 Graph Theory, 6 cr. MAT-42106 Applied Logics, 5 cr. MAT-42650 Symbolic Computation, 7 cr. MAT-51206 Coding Theory, 5 cr. MAT-51216 Information Theory, 4 cr. MAT-51250 Optimization Theory 2, 4 cr. MAT-51606 Project Work in Mathematics, 2-10 cr. MAT-51626 Matrix Algebra 2, 6 cr. MAT-52606 Mathematical Cryptology, 6 cr. MAT-52800 Soft Computing, 4 cr. MAT-53706 Algebra 2, 5 cr. MAT-53756 Introduction to Geometric Algebras and their Applications, 5 cr. MAT-55016 Mathematics Special Assignment, 5 cr. MAT-55100 Applied Mathematics Special Assignment, 5 cr. MAT-55406 Finite Fields, 4 cr. MAT-59056 Mathematical Logic, 7 cr. MAT-66000 Post Graduate Seminar on Mathematics, 2-10 cr. MAT-66050 Post-Graduate Seminar on Applied Mathematics, 2-10 cr.
COMPULSORY COURSES: MAT-41120 Optimization Theory 1, 5 cr. MAT-45050 Basic Course on Mathematical Modeling, 5 cr. ELECTIVE COURSES: MAT-31086 Complex Analysis, 5 cr. MAT-33310 Statistics, 5-6 cr. MAT-33350 Vector Fields, 5 cr. MAT-41140 Introduction to Functional Analysis, 7 cr. MAT-41280 Multivariate Statistical Methods, 5 cr. MAT-42650 Symbolic Computation, 7 cr. MAT-51250 Optimization Theory 2, 4 cr. MAT-51260 Stochastic Processes, 5 cr. MAT-51316 Partial Differential Equations, 5 cr. MAT-51327 Numerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations, 5 cr. MAT-51330 Distributed Parameter Systems, 5 cr. MAT-51590 Applications of Complex Analysis, 5 cr. MAT-51606 Project Work in Mathematics, 2-10 cr. MAT-51626 Matrix Algebra 2, 6 cr. MAT-51700 Bayesian Analysis, 6 cr. MAT-52800 Soft Computing, 4 cr. MAT-53606 Numerical Methods for Ordinary Differential Equations, 5 cr. MAT-53756 Introduction to Geometric Algebras and Their Applications, 7 cr. MAT-55016 Mathematics Special Assignment, 5 cr. MAT-55100 Applied Mathematics Special Assignment, 5 cr. MAT-55600 High Performance Computing, 2 cr. MAT-55800 Modelling with Partial Differential Equations, 4 cr. MAT-55900 Soft Computing Methods of Mathematical Modelling, 4 cr. MAT-56100 Modelling Randomness, 4 cr. MAT-66000 Post Graduate Seminar on Mathematics, 2-10 cr. MAT-66050 Post-Graduate Seminar on Applied Mathematics, 2-10 cr.
COMPULSORY COURSES: MAT-41280 Multivariate Statistical Methods, 5 cr. a) MAT-42106 Applied Logics, 5 cr. MAT-51260 Stochastic Processes, 5 cr. a) a) At least one of these must be chosen. ELECTIVE COURSES: MAT-41156 Algebra 1, 5 cr. MAT-42650 Symbolic Computation, 7 cr. MAT-45050 Basic Course on Mathematical Modeling, 5 cr. MAT-45706 Introduction to Scientific Computing, 3 cr. MAT-51636 Statistical Quality Control, 4 cr. MAT-51640 Design of Experiments, 4 cr. MAT-51656 Reliability Mathematics, 6 cr. MAT-51700 Bayesian Analysis, 6 cr. MAT-51800 Mathematical Statistics, 5 cr. MAT-51906 Probability in Modern Mathematics, 3 cr. MAT-52800 Soft Computing, 4 cr. MAT-52900 Quantitative Methods, 5 cr. MAT-53706 Algebra 2, 5 cr. MAT-56000 Statistical Models, 4 cr. MAT-56100 Modeling Randomness, 4 cr. MAT-59056 Mathematical Logic, 7 cr.
The student can complete only one of the three focus areas in Mathematics.
Viimeksi muokattu | 13.04.2006 |
Muokkaaja | Sami Rahkola |