Course Catalog 2007-2008

Factory Information Systems in Electronics Production

Courses persons responsible
Jose Martinez Lastra

Oscar Perez

Lecturetimes and places
Per IV,V: Monday 14 - 16, K3114

  Period 1 Period 2 Period 3 Period 4 Period 5 Summer
Lecture - - - 2 h/week 2 h/week -
Seminar - - - 1 h/week 1 h/week -
Assignment - - - 25 h/per 25 h/per -
(Timetable for academic year 2007-2008)

Students will learn the basics of the Industry, the different processes occurring in electronics factories, and the role that technology and information systems have in automating those processes. Students will gain an understanding of the different information systems that build a factory and the functionality required for each, encompassing all levels of a production hierarchy starting from the manufacturing shop floor to supply chain communications. Students will acquire hands-on knowledge on best practices and technologies for representing and exchanging information between components of Factory Information Systems, using latest standards for E-Business and E-Manufacturing.

Content Core content Complementary knowledge Specialist knowledge
1. Electronics Production Overview: Manufacturing Processes & Supply-Chain Structure.
E-Manufacturing approach.
FIS Architecture: Factory Control System Components & Manufacturing Enterprise System Components. 
E-Business technologies.    
2. Shop-floor systems and standards.
Shop-floor communication: IPC-2501.
Shop-floor data acquisition: IPC-254x
Assembly-line control: IPC-255x
SOAP and Web Services.
Web-enabled devices.
SCADA and MES Systems. 
Centralized vs. Distributed control.
3. Enterprise systems and standards.
CAD systems: IPC-251x and IPC-2581 overview.
CAM Systems: IPC-2531 overview.
Supply-chain communications: IPC-258x and RosettaNet overview. 
ERP Overview.    

Requirements for completing the course
Written Exam AND Laboratory exercises AND course assignment(s)

Evaluation criteria for the course

  • Course assignments: 35% Lab Work: 35% Exam: 30%

  • Used assessment scale is numeric (1-5)

  • Study material
    Type Name Auhor ISBN URL Edition, availability... Exam material Language
    Lecture slides Lecture Slides JL Martinez Lastra     Course Web Page No  English 

    Prequisite relations (Sign up to TUT Intranet required)

    Distance learning

  • Estimate as a percentage of the implementation of the course
  • - Contact teaching: 100 %
    - Distance learning: 0 %
    - Proportion of a student's independent study: 0 %

    Methods of instructionHours
    Lectures 60
    Laboratory assignments 25
    Seminar reports 42
    Total sum 127

    Principles and starting points related to the instruction and learning of the course

  • Theory and concepts will be explained in lectures, and research by students for seminar presentations. The concepts will later be applied in laboratory excercises, for students to gain hands-on knowledge on using the technology.

  • Correspondence of content
    2702620 eManufacturing in Electronics Production

    Course homepage

    Last modified 09.03.2007
    Modified byJose Martinez Lastra