Course Catalog 2007-2008

Computer Literacy

Courses persons responsible
Matti Kujala


Lecturetimes and places
Per II: Wednesday 8 - 10, TC210

  Period 1 Period 2 Period 3 Period 4 Period 5 Summer
Lecture - 5 h/week - - - -
Exercise - 2 h/week - - - -
(Timetable for academic year 2007-2008)

The students should learn basic elements of computer science, and understand the role of information technology and the variety of its application areas in the present society. The practical goal is to assure that all the students have basic skills for using TUT computer and software environment in their studies. The course gives the basic knowledge after which students should be able to practice and learn more about the systems independently and on other courses.

Content Core content Complementary knowledge Specialist knowledge
1. TUT computer environment (Intranet,
Oinfo, UNIX, computer rooms) and their loginnames. The rules and responsibilities in using this environment. 
Efficient utilization of TUT systems.    
2. The basic structure of a computer. Principles for storing and presenting data in a computer.  Execution mechanism of a computer program. Mechanisms for storing different kinds of data.    
3. The role and main tasks of an operating system. Basics of computer networks.  Differences between operating systems. Principles of network protocols.    
4. Algorithms and computer programs. Software lifecycle.  Principles and the need for programming languages. Different phases and their role in software development.    
5. Computers in the society. Computers and personal security.  Understanding the role of computers and security issues in everyday life.    

Requirements for completing the course
Completed computer exercises, course assignment and written course examination.

Evaluation criteria for the course

  • All computer exercises and the course assignment have to be completed before taking course exam. The examination measures the understanding of the core and complementary content on the course, determining the grade for the course. With good knowledge of core content, the student may achieve grade 3, for an excellent grade also knowledge of complementary content is required. High quality of the written course assignment gives additional bonus points that affect the course grade positively.

  • Used assessment scale is numeric (1-5)

  • Study material
    Type Name Auhor ISBN URL Edition, availability... Exam material Language
    Other online content TUT Student Intranet TUT   Yes  English 
    Book Computer Science - an Overview J. Glenn Brookshear 0-201-78130-1   7th or 8th edition Yes  English 

    Prequisite relations (Sign up to TUT Intranet required)


    Students must have loginnames and passwords for the TUT systems (intranet, UNIX and Windows environment) in order to take part in the course.

  • Partial passing of course must be in connection with the same round of implementation.

  • Distance learning

  • ITC utilized during the course

  • - In information distribution via homepage, newsgroups or mailing lists, e.g. current issues, timetables
    - In compiling teaching material, particularly for online use or other electronic media
    - In compiling exercise, group or laboratory work
    - In distributing and/or returning exercise work, material etc
    - In the visualization of objects and phenomena, e.g. animations, demonstrations, simulations, video clips
    - In interaction and discussion, such as online discussions, chat
    - In exams or assessment of knowledge and skill/learning
    - Other: automatic feedback of student work
    - The course utilizes a learning platform, which? Moodle

  • Estimate as a percentage of the implementation of the course
  • - Contact teaching: 50 %
    - Distance learning: 20 %
    - Proportion of a student's independent study: 30 %

  • Description of the course implementation from ICT point of view
  • The lectures are voluntary. In some exercises the attendance is required for assuring the knowledge of TUT environment. Exercises are done with computers, either with TUT facilities of at home. The written examination must be participated at TUT.

    Methods of instructionHours
    Lectures 24
    Exercises 18
    Assignments 25

    Study materials Hours
    Course book 24

    Other scaledHours
    New tools and study methods 9
    Exam/midterm exam 3
    Total sum 103

    Correspondence of content
    8100000 Computer Literacy

    Course homepage

    Last modified 12.02.2007
    Modified byMatti Kujala