Course Catalog 2007-2008

Project Management

Courses persons responsible
Teuvo Tolonen

Lecturetimes and places
Per II: Thursday 14 - 18, RG202

  Period 1 Period 2 Period 3 Period 4 Period 5 Summer
Lecture - 3 h/week - - - -
Exercise - 1 h/week - - - -
(Timetable for academic year 2007-2008)

To learn essential concepts of project mangement and different project management methods.

Content Core content Complementary knowledge Specialist knowledge
1. Concepts of project management, different project management methods.       
2. To make a schedule. Temporal and economical supervision. Project plan and its content. Time and resource control.       
3. Project leading and communication in the project.       
4. Meeting as a tool for project enforcement and follow-up.       
5. Project management software.       

Requirements for completing the course
Requirements are given in the first lecture.

Evaluation criteria for the course

  • Used assessment scale is numeric (1-5)

  • Prerequisites
    Prequisite relations (Sign up to TUT Intranet required)


    Course is focused on for all kind of project management. Details and topical news concerning the course you can find in the website of the course.

  • Partial passing of course must be in connection with the same round of implementation.

  • The course is suitable for postgraduate studies.

  • Distance learning

  • ITC utilized during the course

  • - In information distribution via homepage, newsgroups or mailing lists, e.g. current issues, timetables
    - In distributing and/or returning exercise work, material etc

  • Estimate as a percentage of the implementation of the course
  • - Contact teaching: 30 %
    - Distance learning: 0 %
    - Proportion of a student's independent study: 70 %

    Methods of instructionHours
    Lectures 60

    Study materials
    Scaling of methods of instruction icludes the use of following study material:
    Lecture material and literature

    Other scaledHours
    Preparation for exam 16
    Exam/midterm exam 3
    Total sum 79

    Correspondence of content
    RTA-4106 Project Management

    Course homepage

    Last modified 21.02.2007
    Modified byTaija Puolitaival