Course Catalog 2008-2009

Basic Pori International Postgraduate Open University

|Degrees|     |Study blocks|     |Courses|    

Course Catalog 2008-2009

MOL-3306 X-ray Diffraction, 5 cr

CourseĀ“s person responsible

Veli-Tapani Kuokkala


  Lecture times and places Target group recommended to
Implementation 1

Per 1 :
Thursday 12 - 14, K3104



Examination on lectures and literature. Passed exercises.
Completion parts must belong to the same implementation

Principles and baselines related to teaching and learning



To understand the basics of the X-ray Diffraction and to give the ability to use the knowledge in the research of materials.


Content Core content Complementary knowledge Specialist knowledge
1. X-ray radiation, interaction with materials, diffractometry, determination of orientation and other applications.     

Study material

Type Name Author ISBN URL Edition, availability, ... Examination material Language
Book   Elements of X-ray Diffraction   B.D. Cullity and S.R. Stock            English  

Prerequisite relations (Requires logging in to POP)

More precise information per implementation

  Description Methods of instruction Implementation
Implementation 1        

Last modified29.07.2008
ModifierMikko Hokka