Course Catalog 2008-2009

Basic Pori International Postgraduate Open University

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Course Catalog 2008-2009

SGN-1996 Signal Processing Thesis Seminar Presentation, 0 cr

Course´s person responsible

Alpo Värri


  Lecture times and places Target group recommended to
Implementation 1    
Implementation 2    
Implementation 3    
Implementation 4    
Implementation 5    


Giving a 15-20 min seminar presentation of the topic area of one's own master's thesis and responding to questions about it from the audience. Starting the study year 2007-2008 a maturity test is also a requirement to complete the Master's degree. The maturity of the student is shown by a three page essay of the thesis topic (no illustrations or tables) which is delivered to the teacher and the thesis supervisor at least one week before the presentation. The course is compulsory to those who plan to graduate from the Department of Signal Processing.

Principles and baselines related to teaching and learning



The goal of the seminar presentation is to develop the student's ability to speak about his topic to an audience of peers and to inform the students about the recent technological developments in the thesis. One objective is also to prepare fellow students to the process of writing their master's thesis.


Content Core content Complementary knowledge Specialist knowledge
1. Presentation skills to a group of peers.  Informing fellow students about recent technological developments relating to the student's thesis. The use and arrangement of presentation tools.   

Evaluation criteria for the course

The quality of the presentation is assessed on the basis of its content, duration and way of presentation.

Assessment scale:

Evaluation scale passed/failed will be used on the course


Course O/R
SGN-1986 Signal Processing Thesis Seminar Obligatory  

Prerequisite relations (Requires logging in to POP)

Additional information

If the student wants to use a computer for the presentation, the student must arrange the computer to the class room and make sure that it is compatible with the video projector of the class room.

More precise information per implementation

  Description Methods of instruction Implementation
Implementation 1       Contact teaching: 0 %
Distance learning: 1 %
Self-directed learning: 0 %  
Implementation 2       Contact teaching: 0 %
Distance learning: 1 %
Self-directed learning: 0 %  
Implementation 3       Contact teaching: 0 %
Distance learning: 1 %
Self-directed learning: 0 %  
Implementation 4       Contact teaching: 0 %
Distance learning: 1 %
Self-directed learning: 0 %  
Implementation 5       Contact teaching: 0 %
Distance learning: 1 %
Self-directed learning: 0 %  

Last modified07.08.2008
ModifierAlpo Värri