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TKT-3206 Computer Architecture I, 5 cr
Per 1 :
Monday 10 - 12, TB223
Per 1, 2 :
Thursday 10 - 12, TB224
Per 2 :
Monday 10 - 12, TB224
To learn the architecture and the basic principles of a modern computer
Fabio Garzia
Jari Nurmi
Numerical evaluation scale (1-5) will be used on the course
Methods of instruction | Hours |
Lectures | 48.0 |
Excercises | 36.0 |
Practical works | 28.0 |
Other measurings | Hours |
Examination/partial examinatinss | 20.0 | 132.0 |
Contact teaching: 0 %
Distance learning: 0 %
Proportion of a studentĀ“s independent study: 0 %
EXERCISE PROJECTS - Four compulsory project works about the core subjects of the course * 1-3 persons per group, 2-3 highly recommended. * Introduction lecture and guidance sessions are given for each exercise work. * All the projects must be returned before 16:00 on the deadline day to the assistant's mail box. * Half a point will be rewarded for each exercise project that has been solved with honors. * Half a point will be deducted for each exercise project that has been solved with dishonors (boomerang or otherwise bad work). * Bonus points (0...2) will be added to the exam total. THEORY EXERCISES - Six exercises about the lectured topics. * Not compulsory, but highly recommended. * Each exercise contains one bonus problem. * Half a point will be added to the exam total for each correctly solved bonus problem (max. 3 points total). * Answers to the bonus problems must be returned to the assistant's mail box before the first exercise session of the week, or directly to the assistant at the first session.