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FYS-6606 Photonics, 5 cr |
Charis Reith, Oleg Okhotnikov
Lecture times and places | Target group recommended to | |
Implementation 1 |
KV-opiskelijat Luonnontieteiden ja ympäristötekniikan tiedekunta |
Pakolliset laskuharjoitukset ja tentti.
Introduction to basics of photonics, including lasers, pulse generation, optical amplifiers, detectors, semiconductor optics, optical fibers, fiber lasers and amplifiers.
Exercises and examination
Numerical evaluation scale (1-5) will be used on the course
Type | Name | Author | ISBN | URL | Edition, availability, ... | Examination material | Language |
Book | Fundamentals of Photonics | Saleh, Teich | Wiley, New York, 1991 (or newer) | English |
Course | O/R |
FYS-1400 Optiikka | Recommended |
FYS-5400 Laserfysiikka | Recommended |
FYS-6216 Semiconductor Physics I | Recommended |
Course | Corresponds course | Description |
Kurssi luennoidaan englanniksi ja materiaali on englanninkielistä.
Description | Methods of instruction | Implementation | |
Implementation 1 | Introduction to basics of photonics, including lasers, pulse generation, optical amplifiers, detectors, semiconductor optics, optical fibers, fiber lasers and amplifiers. |
Contact teaching: 0 % Distance learning: 0 % Self-directed learning: 0 % |