Course Catalog 2008-2009

Basic Pori International Postgraduate Open University

|Degrees|     |Study blocks|     |Courses|    

Course Catalog 2008-2009

SGN-2556 Pattern Recognition, 5 cr

Course´s person responsible

Ari Visa, Jussi Tohka, Ulla Ruotsalainen


  Lecture times and places Target group recommended to
Implementation 1

Per 5 :
Tuesday 10 - 12, TB214
Thursday 10 - 12, TB222



Exam and Matlab exercises. The exercises are mandatory.

Principles and baselines related to teaching and learning



The aim is to deepen the understanding of pattern recognition principles and give students some ability to apply the methods on real problems. The aim is also to learn how to write in a scientific publication about the methods and the pattern classification results.


Content Core content Complementary knowledge Specialist knowledge
1. Bayesian decision theory and Bayesian parameter estimation.  Belief networks, Hidden Markov models, Linear discriminant functions   
2. Stochastic pattern classification methods.  Boltzman learning, Evolutionary methods, Genetic programming   
3. Nonmetric classification methods.  CART, tree methods in principle, Grammatical methods   
4. Algorithm-independent machine learning.     
5. Unsupervised learning and clustering, fuzzy clustering methods, component analysis methods.  Mixture densities, Hierarchical clustering, on-line clustering, graph theoretic methods, PCA and ICA   

Evaluation criteria for the course

In order to pass the course the student has to complete all the exercises and get half of the maximum points from the exam. Grading is pass/fail.

Assessment scale:

Numerical evaluation scale (1-5) will be used on the course

Study material

Type Name Author ISBN URL Edition, availability, ... Examination material Language
Book   "Pattern Classification"   Duda RO, Hart PE, Stork DG       2nd edition, Wiley, 2001      English  


Course O/R
SGN-2500 Johdatus hahmontunnistukseen Obligatory  
SGN-2506 Introduction to Pattern Recognition Obligatory  

Prerequisite relations (Requires logging in to POP)

Correspondence of content

Course Corresponds course  Description 
SGN-2556 Pattern Recognition, 5 cr 8002303 Pattern Recognition, 3 cu  

More precise information per implementation

  Description Methods of instruction Implementation
Implementation 1       Contact teaching: 0 %
Distance learning: 0 %
Self-directed learning: 0 %  

Last modified24.03.2009
ModifierKirsi Järnström