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SGN-3507 Introduction to Medical Image Processing, 5 op |
Ulla Ruotsalainen
Luentoajat ja -paikat | Kohderyhmä, jolle suositellaan | |
Toteutus 1 |
To pass the course the student has to make all the computer exercises, pass the exam and make a small assignment.
The objective of the course is to provide basic knowledge of medical image processing in terms of related problems and methods for a student who has basic knowledge of signal processing.
Sisältöalue | Ydinaines | Täydentävä tietämys | Erityistietämys |
1. | Basic principles of the image reconstruction methods in tomography imaging. | ||
2. | Image coregistration for medical use, problems and image fusion techniques. | ||
3. | Structural imaging versus functional imaging in the view of automatic analysis of the image sets. | ||
4. | Archiving of biological and medical images: technical, ethical and legal aspects. |
Tyyppi | Nimi | Tekijä | ISBN | URL | Painos,saatavuus... | Tenttimateriaali | Kieli |
Kirja | Medical Image Processing, Reconstruction and Restoration | Jiri Jan | 0-8247-5849-8 | Englanti |
Opintojakso | P/S |
SGN-1107 Introductory Signal Processing | Pakollinen |
SGN-1200 Signaalinkäsittelyn menetelmät | Suositeltava |
SGN-1250 Signaalinkäsittelyn sovellukset | Suositeltava |
SGN-2500 Johdatus hahmontunnistukseen | Suositeltava |
SGN-2506 Introduction to Pattern Recognition | Suositeltava |
SGN-3010 Digitaalinen kuvankäsittely I | Pakollinen |
SGN-3016 Digital Image Processing I | Pakollinen |
Opintojakso | Vastaa opintojaksoa | Selite |
Kuvaus | Opetusmuodot | Toteutustapa | |
Toteutus 1 |