Opinto-opas 2008-2009

Perus Pori KV Jatko Avoin

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Opinto-opas 2008-2009

TETA-2607 Strategic Management, 4 op

Opintojakson vastuuhenkilö

Tomi Nokelainen


  Luentoajat ja -paikat Kohderyhmä, jolle suositellaan
Toteutus 1

Per 3 :
Keskiviikko 12 - 16, K1703



Exam (concerning lectures and course literature) and accepted exercises.
Osasuoritusten pitää liittyä samaan toteutuskertaan

Opetukseen ja oppimiseen liittyvät periaatteet ja lähtökohdat



To familiarize the student with the central theoretical perspectives and the vocabulary of strategic management. To familiarize the student with the tasks and objectives of strategic management in a company.


Sisältöalue Ydinaines Täydentävä tietämys Erityistietämys
1. The objectives of strategic management in theory and in practice. The contents of the notion of strategy.  Different interpretations concerning the objectives of strategic management.  Theoretical grounds of the different interpretations concerning the objectives of strategic management. 
2. Central frames of reference concerning the external environment of a company with regard to strategic management.  Theoretical grounds of the central frames of reference concerning the external environment of a company.  Primary proponents of the central frames of reference concerning the external environment of a company. 
3. Central frames of reference concerning the internal aspects of a company with regard to strategic management.  Theoretical grounds of the central frames of reference concerning the internal aspects of a company.  Primary proponents of the central frames of reference concerning the internal aspects of a company. 
4. The stages and aims of a strategy process.  Alternatives to the standard notion of a strategy process.  Corporate governance. 
5. Stakeholder perspective and ethical considerations in strategic management.  Different views on the importance of the stakeholder perspective and ethical considerations in strategic management.  Theoreticel grounds of different views on the importance of the stakeholder perspective and ethical considerations in strategic management. 

Opintojakson arvostelu

Exam of course literature and lectures.


Opintojaksolla käytetään numeerista arviointiasteikkoa (1-5)


Osasuoritusten pitää liittyä samaan toteutuskertaan


Opintojakso P/S
TETA-1016 Basics of Industrial Management Pakollinen  

Esitietoketju (Vaatii kirjautumisen POPiin)


Opintojakso Vastaa opintojaksoa  Selite 
TETA-2607 Strategic Management, 4 op TETA-2606 Corporate Strategy, 4 op  

Tarkempia tietoja toteutuskerroittain

  Kuvaus Opetusmuodot Toteutustapa
Toteutus 1   Luennot
Lähiopetus: 0 %
Etäopetus: 0 %
Itseopiskelu: 0 %  

Viimeksi muokattu07.08.2008
MuokkaajaVirpi Hämäläinen