Course Catalog 2008-2009

Basic Pori International Postgraduate Open University

|Degrees|     |Study blocks|     |Courses|    

Course Catalog 2008-2009

LIKU-7606 Industrial History and Future Studies, 2 cr

Course´s person responsible

Olavi Uusitalo


  Lecture times and places Target group recommended to
Implementation 1

Per 2, 3 :
Friday 12 - 16, FC110
Saturday 9 - 13, FC110


Principles and baselines related to teaching and learning



On completion of this course, students should be able to: understand the stature of economical and societal changes from the view of both the past and future studies.

Prerequisite relations (Requires logging in to POP)

More precise information per implementation

  Description Methods of instruction Implementation
Implementation 1       Contact teaching: 0 %
Distance learning: 0 %
Self-directed learning: 0 %  

Last modified13.08.2008
ModifierHanna Hämäläinen